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^^that pic got me feeling some typa way🥴

Y/n's Pov

I woke up with Hoyeon laying her head on my chest. I stroked her luscious black hair as I looked at the girl laying on me.

She's truly beautiful.

I hate the fact that I rejected her but we barely know each other. I understand that some people are ok with getting into relationships even if they just met the person, but I'm not like that.

Maybe I'm just a sucker for romance novels where the two people are best friends who realises their feelings for each other after being friends for such a long time.

I felt the girl on my chest snuggle up into my chest even more when the sunlight glared through the blinds. I heard her mumble something into my chest.

"Hmm?" I hummed out.

"You smell good." She mumbled into my chest.

"Really? I haven't even had the time to shower. Not really my fault though, someone is snuggled up against my chest and I can't move." I chuckled out, emphasizing 'someone' to show that I was talking about her.

"Oh shut up. I want more cuddles." She said, wrapping her arm around my neck, she lifted up her head from my chest and decided to sit down on my lap, her legs dangling on my side.

"I'm happy that you're in a better mood now." I smiled, hugging her tightly.

"I'm just happy that I didn't lose you forever." She whispered against my neck.

"You'll never lose me. I'll always be here for you... whether you like it or not." I smiled.

"Oh trust me, I'll always like it. If I don't, that's probably not me and I have been abducted by aliens." She joked.

We stayed in that position since it was pretty early in the morning, it was still 8.30am. We were just enjoying each other's presence in a comfortable silence. When the clock struck 10, I felt a little peckish.

"Hey, I would love to cuddle for a little while longer but I'm feeling a little hungry." I tapped her thigh, hoping that she'll get the signal and get off of me so that I can cook breakfast.

"Ok... can I help you?" She pouted, taking her head off of my neck and looking into my eyes. For a couple of seconds, I studied her face, seeing a tint of pink across her face, her lips slightly and puffy eyes from crying last night.

I used the pad of my thumbs to wipe some of the dried tears on her face. When I was about to put my hands down, she laid her cheek on the palm of my right hand. Wow...

"Yeah sure, you can help." I smiled.

"Ok!" She said excitedly, kissing me on the tip of my nose, making my stomach fill up with butterflies. She stood up from sitting on me and pulled me up.

I led her to my kitchen, our hands intertwined. I pulled away from her grasp and started to look into the pantry. I saw english muffins... maybe I can make some eggs benedict.I found some parma ham from the fridge and the eggs.

"What are you making?" She asked, standing on my right.

"It's this breakfast dish called 'Eggs Benedict'... have you ever tried it?" I asked her. She shook her head slightly.

"Ok, well... I'm sure you'll love it. I'm gonna get my hollandaise sauce started so you can just sit there and look pretty." I smiled at her.

"You think I'm pretty?" She asked, looking at me shyly.

"I think you're gorgeous." I smiled at her, before starting to put my water onto a roaring boil.

When my water started to boil, I melted my butter and separated the egg yolks from the egg whites. I added some white wine vinegar to the yolks for some acidity.

I put the glass bowl that contained the egg yolks with the vinegar on the pot of boiling water and started whisking.

Once I got a creamy texture on the eggs, I added my melted butter and whisked vigorously to ensure that the butter is incorporated into the eggs and seasoned it with salt, pepper and some fresh lemon juice.

"I wanted to help." I heard Hoyeon say from behind me, I looked at her to see her pouting with her arms crossed.

"Ok, well come over here." I gestured her to come to me.

"Ok. So, can you help me cook the parma ham? It's right over there." I said pointing the ham. She nodded and did what she was told. Good girl...

"After that, can you toast some of the english muffins?" I asked, she nodded, tearing the english muffins in half so that it's ready for toasting.

I boiled another pot of water with salt and vinegar for the poached eggs, while waiting for the water to boil, I arranged the ham that Hoyeon cooked and put it on top of the english muffins that she toasted.

When the water started to boil, I turned down the heat and spun the water in it to create a vortex and cracked the eggs in it. I fished out the poached eggs and put it on top of the parma ham. I poured some of the hollandaise sauce onto the poached eggs and added some spring onions for garnish. [thats the end of the eggs benedict tutorial :)]

"Ta da!" I smiled, doing jazz hands as I laid the plate of eggs benedict in front of Hoyeon.

"Let's dig in." I said, cutting the egg, seeing the runny yolk ooze out.

Hoyeon took her first bite of the eggs benedict and I swear I saw her eyes light up.

"Good huh?" I smirked at her.

"Yeah... where did you learn how to cook like that?" She asked, looking at me astonished.

"Well... I could say that my grandmother was there and inspired me to cook and I've been cooking since I was 7... but that would be a lie." I chuckled, causing her to laugh with some food in her mouth.

"Don't do that!" She smacked my arm.

"Do what?" I grinned sheepishly.

"Make me laugh while I'm eating. I don't wanna look stupid." She giggled.

"You don't look stupid at all... you look adorable to be honest." I winked at her, taking another bite.

"Oh shut up."

"I do. I do find it adorable. I like my girls with a huge appetite." I smiled at her. That was the last thing we said before just eating in a comfortable silence.

"Maybe we can go out to the mall later on." She said.

"Like a date? You know that I want to be your friend first right..."

"No, not like a date. A friend date, so that we can get to know each other more."

Word Count: 1136


Revivorgirl you wanted them to be happy, here's them being happy😒

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