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^^that pic be pulling on my heart strings istg

Hoyeon's Pov

I should've told her when I had the chance...

I stood there stunned, I expected her to at least get out of the car and talk to me.

What happened? Everything seemed fine before she talked to Dong-Hwi... What did he say to her?

I ran back to them. They were looking at me with anticipation, probably wondering what happened.

"Hey, how was it did y'all talk it out?" Samuel asked.

I made my way to Dong-Hwi and pulled him up by his collar.

"What the fuck did you tell her? What did you say to her!" I screamed at the older man, as I felt tears stream down my face. I shook him with all the strength I've got.

"W-what?" He squealed out.

"Hoyeon! Stop it!" Seon shouted.

Samuel and Jin-Kyung tried to pull me away from Dong-Hwi. But from the anger I felt which was amplified by the rush of adrenaline, I was somehow stronger than the two of them.

Dong-Hwi finally got away from my grasp as Jennie tried to calm me down, clasping my hands behind my back.

"He ruined it! He's the reason why she left!" I cried out, unable to hide my anger and sadness.

"What? I didn't do anything!" He said defensively.

"Oh yeah? Then why was she happy and talking to me the whole day until you came along?" I exclaimed. I might be making a scene but I don't care.

"Hoyeon, you need to relax." His girlfriend said while rubbing his back.

"Relax? You want me to relax? How in the world can I relax if the girl I love is ignoring my very existence?" I gritted through my teeth.

"Love?" Lisa asked.

"What?" I looked at her confusedly. I didn't say love... did I?

"You love Y/n?" She asked, looking at me.

"What? No I don't. We just met, it's just a crush." I told them, my voice calmer than it was previously.

"But Dong-Hwi, what did you tell her? She looked so defeated after talking to you." I said, my voice soft.

"I didn't say anything bad-" He started

"I know the reason." Samuel said out of nowhere.

"So you let her shake me without saying anythi-"

"Shut up!" I glared at him. He put his left hand up while taking his right to pretend to zip his mouth shut.

"Samuel please continue." I looked at him with pleading eyes. I just want to know what happened.

"She thought that you were engaged to Dong-Hwi." He told us. I gestured for him to continue as it seemed like he wasn't done speaking.

"She saw an engagement ring on Dong-Hwi's hand when they were talking. She just presumed that you two were engaged. She told me that Dong-Hwi didn't say anything bad."

"She told me that he was really nice and not gonna lie, I wanted to beat you up for making her upset... well before she told me you didn't do anything." He said, specifically talking to Dong-Hwi.

In Another Life(Jung HoYeon x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now