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Y/n's Pov


Hey. It's Y/n


hi! I thought that
you weren't gonna
text me lol


oh yeah, sorry
abt that. busy
playin w my friend


its totally ok dw!
i was js wondering...
whether u would wna
hang out tmr w me and
my friends


sure...only if i get to
bring a friend :)


ofc! i would love to
meet ur friend

As I was about to text Hoyeon back, Lisa barged through the door.

"Hey guys! Missed me?" Lisa exclaimed, putting her hand on her waist with a smirk.

"Ah yes. Everyday that I don't see you is like hell." Samuel responded. Sarcasm just flowing from his mouth, maybe a couple crumbs of hot cheetos as well.

"Oh keep your mouth shut when you're eating. Sometimes I really wonder why we're friends with you. You're practically still a kid." Lisa retorted, sitting down next to me. Leaning over to get some cheetos as well. But to little success as Samuel smacked her hand away.

"Hey! Get your own! Besides, I'm 19 ok. I'm not a kid." He said, throwing daggers at Lisa.

"Well, I'm 24 and to me you're just a kid." Lisa said, sticking out her tongue at Samuel, snatching the bag of cheetos out of his hands.

"Ok that's enough, you're both kids to me. I'm 28 so I'm the boss ok. Stop fighting." I rolled my eyes at them.

"Jeez, we weren't fighting. It was just playful banter. Right, Samuel?" Lisa said, shortly nudging Samuel on his side, almost pushing him off the couch.

"Uhm. Yeah just banter." He said with a forced smile.

"So... before I came here, what were y'all talking about? Is it me?" She questioned, batting her eyes at the both of us.

"Gross no." Samuel said.

"Ha! You wish." I laughed.

"Y'all are mean." Lisa pouted.

"No but seriously, what were you guys talking about before I came." She continued.

"Well... We wouldn't have to talk about it again if you didn't come in late." Samuel scoffed out, before opening his bottle of water and chugging it down.

"I was fashionably late ok. You would have to put in work to look this gorgeous." Lisa said while flipping her hair, hitting the both of us in the face by her hair.

In Another Life(Jung HoYeon x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now