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Jennie's Pov

*set when Y/s/n were in the ocean*

"They obviously like eachother, why don't they just confess?" I heard Y/n's guy friend say, if I remember correctly, his name is Samuel.

"Well, it's not that simple to get out of a PR Stunt." I rolled my eyes at the kid. It was obvious that he has no idea what happens in the show business even though he's a singer/actor.

"Yeah, I know that but still. They're practically made for one another." He added on.

"I'm with Samuel on this one." I heard Lisa say.

"They're literally the definition of soulmates or twin flames, not gonna lie, I don't really know the difference between the two." Lisa laughed a bit.

"No offense Jennie, but I agree with them. They might have just met but they have an amazing connection." Seon agreed with Lisa and Samuel.

"Me too. I agree with them, it's like Hoyeon's obsessed with Y/n. Did you guys know that she kept talking about her yesterday after their breakfast date?" Jin-Kyung informed Lisa and Samuel.

As they were talking, I looked intently at the pair. Hoyeon has never been one to have crushes a lot but somehow Y/n was able to weave her way into her heart.

Yup, Hoyeon's in love. She would've been mad if anyone else had carried her out into the middle of the sea and threatened to drop her there. They would make a cute couple.

Looking at how happy Y/n made Hoyeon, I contemplated on telling Seon, Samuel, Jin-Kyung and Lisa something interesting about Hoyeon's feelings for Y/n. I know I shouldn't but... maybe we can help them get their happily ever after.

"Guys. I have something to tell you. Please don't tell Y/n. Hoyeon told me to keep it a secret from Y/n." I told them.

"Wait. If it's a secret why do you wanna tell us?" Seon asked, crossing her arms infront of her chest, pursing her lips.

"Because we all ship Y/s/n and as long as Y/n doesn't know, Hoyeon's ok with it." I told them.

"Well, go on." Lisa gestured me to continue, obviously intrigued by what I was going to say next.

"Hoyeon's been obsessed with Y/n and her work since 2018." I let out in one breath, saying it as fast as possible.

"But Y/n wasn't even in Korea in 2018, she literally transferred here just a couple of months ago." Samuel explained.

"I know, but Hoyeon told me that in 2018, she was scrolling on Instagram where she saw one of Y/n's post. Y/n took a photo of a street in France, and Hoyeon just thought that the picture was taken so beautifully and she started following Y/n on her Finsta." I told them.

"Wait... Hoyeon has a Finsta? Why didn't she tell me?" Jin-Kyung complained.

"Yeah, even I didn't know about it until yesterday. She told me that she made the Finsta just to follow Y/n on Instagram."

"She started following Y/n's work, her street pictures to her professional pictures for the French magazines. And not gonna lie, Hoyeon was the one who requested for Y/n to be her photographer for Vogue Korea. I can't believe they actually allowed that though." I continued.

"Wow... and I thought Y/n was the obsessed one in the relationship." Samuel told us, scoffing a little bit.

I looked back at the pair. Oh damn, are they about to kiss? Hoyeon is practically clinging onto Y/n like her life depended on it.

"I guess they're both obsessed with eachother. You know, it was so hard to wake up Y/n this morning because she was busy staying up late last night "researching" about Hoyeon." Lisa laughed.

"And by "research" she means Y/n looked at a bunch of pictures and videos of her." Samuel added, joining Lisa since he laughed as well.

"Well, that doesn't beat Hoyeon." Seon told us.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Yesterday, Hoyeon was at my house and she was looking at pictures of a girl and at that time I didn't know it was Y/n." She told us.

"Even making her the background of her Whatsapp wallpaper." Seon whispered, afraid that the couple, mostly Y/n, would overhear. I'm pretty sure they won't though, they're literally in their own world. They've been in the same position for the past five minutes, not even moving.

Y/n started walking towards us, carrying Hoyeon.

"Everyone act normal." I told them.

Samuel and Lisa started smirking and fist bumped eachother while Seon and Jin-Kyung were grinning. I literally just said to act normal. Son of a bit-

"Hey lovebirds." Samuel and Lisa said together, obviously mocking them.

Y/n put Hoyeon to the ground carefully. It's sweet to know that she really cares about her.

"We're not 'lovebirds' ok? We're just friends, nothing more, nothing less. And us being 'lovebirds' would never happen." Y/n rolled her eyes.

"Yeah... just friends. Would never happen huh..." Hoyeon mumbled under her breath.

Oh Y/n... you should not have said that...

Word Count: 870


Really short chapter, but idk... it felt like it was important to the storyline, showing that Hoyeon is down bad for Y/n like how Y/n is for her.

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