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Y/n's Pov

"Hey." Hoyeon said with a smile. Immediately pulling me away from the grip of Lisa and giving me a huge bear hug.

"I missed you." She mumbled into my chest. She probably thinks that I didn't hear it, considering it was muffled by the fabric.

"You literally just saw me yesterday." I smiled softly at the shorter girl, her head popped up from my chest and she quickly pulled away. A flush of red spreading across the face of her cheeks.

She opened her mouth looking like she was about to say something but nothing came out. I took my index finger and closed her mouth shut. Causing her ears to turn to the same shade of red her cheeks turned to previously.

"Wouldn't want you catching flies in your mouth. Might be a good source of protein but very unhygienic if you ask me." I smiled at the girl who was rendered speechless.

"Don't worry." I moved closer to her ears that were a burning shade of red.

"I missed you too." Before pulling away completely.

"So these are my best friends, Lisa and Samuel. You obviously know Lisa since she's also friends with Jennie." I smiled.

"Hi Jennie." I flirtatiously greeted the singer/rapper.

When I first met Jennie, we had this weird connection. We would always flirt with eachother jokingly. We stopped because I heard a friend of hers from her band would get jealous. I think you know who I'm talking about.

"Hello Y/n." She greeted me back with a wink. I couldn't contain myself and started bursting out laughing.

"You still single?" She smirked.

That's when she let out a yelp. I don't know what could've hurt her, there was no shells or glass she was in proximity of. She's just standing next to Hoyeon with Hoyeon holding onto her wrist and Hoyeon looks fine. Well, besides a tint of anger or maybe jealousy in her eyes. I wonder why is that though.

"So, you've met Jennie, but these are my other friends. Jin-Kyung and Seon." Hoyeon said with a forced smile, gesturing to each girl.

"Nice to meet ya!" I smiled, extending my hand out to the girls for them to shake.

Samuel did the same, while saying 'hi' stuttering a little bit. I guess being in the presence of beautiful models really makes him nervous. This thought made me chuckle internally.

"So why did you guys wanna go to the beach? I mean, it is nice but at the same time it's hella hot." I said, chuckling at the end. I put my hand into my pockets to take out my sunglasses to put on to protect my eyes from the harsh UV rays that's being emitted from the sun, looking down in the process for more protection.

"Damn..." I heard someone mutter. It was barely audible but I was somehow blessed with ears that could hear things even if they're miles away.

I looked up to see who it was. Only to see Hoyeon looking at me and I don't know if it was the sunglasses messing with my vision but it looked like she was biting her bottom lip.

Feeling flustered, I looked away, staring at the waves crashing on the shore. The water was crystal blue, it was really relaxing.

"We wanted to go to the beach so that Hoyeon can see you shir-" Jin-Kyung said, snapping me out of my thoughts but being silenced before she could finish by a panicky looking Hoyeon. I wonder what's that about...

After Hoyeon silenced Jin-Kyung by slapping her arm countless of times. We all started to burst out in laughter seeing the tall model lose her cool. Hoyeon looked down embarrassed at what just happened. The laughter subsided after a short period of time.

"Hey, why don't we all get changed into our swimsuits." Samuel said softly. Immediately blushing when the girls, except me, took off their shirts and shorts. Turns out they were wearing their bikinis under their shirts and shorts, even Lisa.

Samuel and I went to the changing rooms they had near the beach, him going to the men's and I went to the women's... obviously. I've always been insecure about my body, so I left the changing room with my shirt on, seeing Samuel waiting for me, scrolling through his phone with his shirt off.

"I thought you were gonna change?" He asked me with a confused face.

"I did. You know how insecure I am about my body. I'm not taking it off until I actually get into the water. Especially when we're going swimming with a bunch of models... and Lisa." I said, laughing at the end. Don't get me wrong, Lisa is beautiful but we're friends, we make fun of eachother a lot. Shows our love you know?

"Pshhh... We both know that you have a freaking six pack, how can you be insecure about that?" He shrugged off my insecurity, rolling his eyes.

"You...ugh never mind." I wanted to tell him that just because someone has a 'good body' or a six pack doesn't mean that they don't have insecurities about their body. Maybe it was the trauma when I was younger... but that's a story for another day.

We decided to buy some chips and drinks before walking towards the girls.

I saw Hoyeon laughing and messing around with her friends, vibing to the music that was blasting from the speakers they brought.

Wow... just when I thought she couldn't get more beautiful, she does. Heck, in the words of the man himself, Justin Bieber... "When I met you girl, my heart went 'knock, knock'. Now them butterflies in my stomach won't stop, stop." When I heard that song, I thought it was dumb and that I would never feel that way for a girl. But seeing the younger girl with her stupidly cute laugh and gummy smile, it really makes me think otherwise.

"Cat's got your tongue?" Samuel asked teasingly, seeing me turn speechless when I saw the girl.

"Just shut up man."

Word Count: 1019


Yes... I did add an unnecessary part of JB's song 'One Time' don't judge... I was listening to that song while writing this😃

In Another Life(Jung HoYeon x Fem Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin