"What? I can't leave her at home, all alone," Rhonda scorns.

"Alone? Your mom is here," I tell her.

"Yeah, she is," Rhonda says scornfully. And this makes me wonder if mother and daughter never seem to get along.

"Fine, fine. I'll leave molly at home," she obliges and put molly down on the sofa, and sadly
go outside.

"Can't believe she agreed to that," Morgan says to himself, and head outside, and I follow.

"Have a great time." Christian waves goodbye but non of her children seem to care.

As I drive, Morgan is seated in the passenger seat, and Rhonda is at the back, where the Hamper is.

Rhonda brings her face forward.
"Your car is really beautiful, it's great," she says fervidly.

"Where are we going?" She asks,
and I look at Morgan from the corner of my eyes. He isn't enjoying this.

"Green Lake Park," I say.

"Really? I've never been there before, how does it look like?"

"That's exactly where we are going, so sit down and be quiet," Morgan scolds her, and She quietly obeys.

We get to the park, and spread a blanket close to the playground -we sit on it, and I unpack the foods and drinks from the hamper, and arrange it in the middle. Many different kinds of food, spring rolls, pasta salad, fruit and veggie salad, egg sandwiches, brownies, and oatmeal cookies.

Wow, Gina with her giant mind.

"How prepared you are," Morgan says sarcastically.

"This is going to be the best picnic ever," Rhonda says, and I smile.

"I just love to eat," I say.

"And your body tells different," Morgan teases.

"Okey, I love the way I am and I'm not even slim," I tell him.

"Uh-huh," he mutters.

Rhonda takes a bite of the egg sandwich. "Mm mm, this is so good," she says with her mouth full, I pour her a glass of Pimms, and she sips from it and goes back to eating her sandwich.

"Did you make this?" She asks.

I look at Morgan who knows I didn't.

"Yeah, I did," I lie. I mean how can I make it when I was told this morning that we are going for a picnic. I had no time to prepare, I go for picnics fully prepared. But that doesn't mean I get to cook, I ordered anything needed. And I just wanted to be with Morgan.

"Wow, you are so good," Rhonda says.

"Yeah she is, isn't she," Morgan says sarcastically, but I just ignore him.

"Do you want some brownies?" I ask Rhonda, and she says 'no' but Morgan says he wants some.

"You eat brownies?" I ask him, and he surprisingly looks at me, as well as Rhonda.

"Why wouldn't I eat brownies?" He asks confusingly.

"Well, I'm just surprised because you look like you watch your weight. Unlike me, I eat anything and everything and still don't get fat, but you -if you eat this brownie you might no longer look fit just like that guy over there." I point a finger at an overweight middle-aged man with a pot belly -who is playing with a little boy at the playground. Rhonda gulps as she sees the man, and Morgan's face contorts with worries.

"Oh, things nature does," I mumble, and he looks at me.

"Fine, I won't eat it," he says.

"You won't? Come on, It's not like you'll be like him, you are two different people with different bodies," I state.

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