Missing - Part 1 - Magneto x Reader

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Josh grabbed her hands and rubbed them gently between his, trying to get some warmth back in her frozen fingers.

"Cold isn't it?" Josh asked, smiling as he placed his arm around her shoulder.

"Yeah Cap, just a little chilly." (Y/n) chuckled softly, sighing happily as she felt some warmth return to her cold body and numb fingers. Wishing that she could use her mutation to keep herself and Josh warm through the frigid temperatures. Yet still fearing what others would think. Still fearing being abandoned again.

"We'll be ok sweetheart, it's not the first winter we've been through." Josh said, trying to reassure her that things would get better. That as always, they would make it through.

"I know Cap, I just worry about your health. You're getting weaker and you need that medication the doc prescribed." (Y/n) told him, as she pulled the prescription out of her pocket, hoping that tomorrow she could beg enough money so that she could get it filled at the pharmacists.

"Don't worry about me kid, I'm made of strong stuff." Josh replied, as he kissed her forehead gently. (Y/n) nestling her face into the crook of his neck. The sound of his gentle heartbeat soothing her to sleep.


(Y/n) woke to the thunder of an explosion. The shock of the blast knocking her to her knees. She looked around, the sound of more explosions going off around her, as she covered her ears. She could see people coming from everywhere, storming through the old, abandoned warehouse where she, Josh, and the others had been taking shelter from the elements. She could hear screaming, the smell of blood in the atmosphere, as she ducked down, and crawled behind some old wooden crates. Her form becoming invisible, as the unknown hoard seemed to be destroying everything around her.

(Y/n) sneaked a look, her hand covering her mouth to stop the scream that wanted to escape, as she saw the faces of the people that lay dead on the floor. Each one someone she knew. Then suddenly she realised. Where was Josh? She couldn't see her friend. Yet given the carnage, that didn't mean that he wasn't among the bodies that lay sprawled on the ground. But she knew that if anything had happened to her captain, then someone was going to pay.

Before she could make a plan, everything fell quiet. The sudden hush forcing (Y/n) to try and calm her breathing. To try and steady the pounding of her heart. (Y/n) sure that it could be heard by anyone of the people that had killed her friends, as she continued to hide. Then without warning, the atmosphere around her changed. Everything metal, beginning to shake and move. A cool calm voice shattering the terrifying stillness.

"Miss (Y/l/n), I know you are there. Why don't you show yourself?" The voice called out. Its tone strong, dominant and controlled. (Y/n) remaining in her hiding place. Remembering how Josh had always told her that a good soldier never revealed their location to the enemy. And (Y/n) had never doubted anything the captain had ever told her.

"I am well aware of your talents Miss (Y/l/n) but using invisibility will only keep you hidden for so long. If you would like to look out from your current hiding place, I think you'll see someone you know." The voice continued. Fear gripping the young mutant, as she desperately tried to swallow the lump that had formed in her throat.

"CALL OUT TO HER!" Came the voice again, seeming to shout at someone. (Y/n)'s heart breaking as she heard the voice of the man, she hoped had been able to get away.

"Hey kid, it's me. Could you do me a favour and come out?" Josh reluctantly called out. (Y/n) taking a deep breath before moving out of her hiding place, and slowly rematerializing. Gasping as she looked over to Josh. Her eyes growing wide, as she glared at the woman with deep blue skin and red hair, that was holding on to the disabled man. A knife pressed firmly against his throat.

A little bit of everything Multi Fandom Imagines Book ThreeWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt