The spell that Geng Chen had cast was another close-range spell: Flame Carnival.

She hadn't used the combo of storm, ice, and fire in the perfect order, because she had had to use a chant that matched the spin she'd executed in order to avoid Tyron's pursuit!

The ever-changing spell release and combinations was the thing that gave seasoned mages the biggest headache.

In the 0.5 seconds of time before the spell released, this 'instant reconstruction' ability to immediately rebuild the spell was enough to show that Geng Chen was worthy of her position as the top 35th in the national rankings!


This time, the female commentator was able to see Odin's flash the way she'd hoped!

This flash was far more dazzling than what she'd seen in the recordings of the district competition. It was even more domineering!

Tyron used flash from behind Geng Chen, dealing damage even as he left the area where the spell caused the highest damage.

After that, he pulled on the steel wire and caught Geng Chen completely off guard by leaving the storm completely.

The female commentator yelled, "Geng Chen never thought that Lord Four would use flash to leave immediately! She thought that Lord Four would act like last time and take the opportunity to cut down her health first!"

At this point, it could be seen that Geng Chen had actually been preparing the next spell, only to find that the opportunity had been lost. She immediately and decisively stopped chanting.

By this time, Tyron had landed on the ground again, and there was a flash from the steel wire wrapped around his right arm.

He reached for the steel wire, then turned around, and pulled on it--

In mid-air, Geng Chen's figure suddenly tilted, and the ribbon on her right ankle was disrupted, waves appearing in the originally perfect arc in the air.

Male commentator: "I really didn't expect this! When did Odin catch Geng Chen?"


Just now, Geng Chen had resisted Tyron's attacks twice with her ankle ring, but just when she'd thought that it was just that, she discovered that she'd been wrong--

How could a terrifying assassin, who could land seven knives a second, give up on attacking just because the tip of his knife had been blocked by an ankle ring?

Tyron's steel wire had actually threaded through her sturdy ankle ring, and when he tugged abruptly, he yanked the unsuspecting Geng Chen out of the air like a bird with its feet tied!

Because the movement of her foot was limited, Geng Chen was unable to release a spell during this entire process.

The moment she fell, the edges of Tyron's crossed blades flashed in front of her eyes like lightning!

Female commentator: "Three-hit combo! Eight... twelve hits! Seventeen hits!"

Male commentator: "With close-combat melee attacks that land like a storm, this contestant is worthy of his fame for his explosive power. It's indeed terrible."


Geng Chen's composure was very stable. Other than the 25th ranked Goddess, who he'd played a casual match with before, Tyron had never seen another mage-class player who was comparable to her in composure.

While the bloody storm was playing out, Geng Chen had already finished dancing a new spell: ice chains!

It was precisely the spell she'd failed to use previously to trap Tyron. At this moment, instead of rushing to defend, she directly launched a counterattack--she didn't intend to suffer through it and would charge straight on! They were both close-combat players, so they'd see who was scared of who!

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