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Jay spent the rest of the day pretending he had nothing in mind , playing with the youngers and bickering with the eldest . While Heeseung suggested they tell the others what happened, Jay was convinced this will only affect them negatively,  the voice had nothing to do , and was mostly anticipating him to make the 1st move , jay knew the voice isn't going to do anything,  at least not in the meantime , so he took advantage of the time he had

More days passed , Jay was more conscious of the time and appreciated every second he had with them , while worry and anxiety were eating him from the inside , it was easier having Heeseung by his side , he knew how it felt to handle it by himself,  but , he knows that at the end , he'll do it himself,  he'll have to end this once and for all by himself,  and he hopes he can come back to his loved ones this time

As the day went by , the weather changing and life going on , Ji eun was nowhere to be found , Jay knew she wasn't the one he should worry about , she was strong powerful woman , for God's sake she had superpowers , but something inside him was making him uncomfortable,  maybe it's all the stress of the possible sudden appearance of the voice , or maybe because of what he heard , Ji eun faked his death , and she herself manipulated worlds , if she gets in danger it's probably because of him pointing this out . Besides all of this , she never left him for this long , actually for any long, the last time they met she seemed weaker than ever , and even if he wouldn't admit it , she blended into his life , and became as important as his friends now

So while having a meal , Jay broke the silence , sounding as playful as he can , as if he didn't put so much thoughts into this

-"Ji eun took so long to come back this time " he munches the food in his mouth , looking at his plate , and ignoring all the eyes that suddenly shifted to him "I wonder what's she up to "

-"She must be fine , you shouldn't worry about her , focus on yourself " sunghoon was the first to look back at his plate , answering calmly and resuming his dinner

-" yeah you're right " Jay smiled " she must be fine" he couldn't risk them thinking anything is wrong

-"Why are you asking about her ?" Niki tilted his head while asking

-"I don't know I think it's weird she's not around while she used to never leave the house " Jay laughed , it wasn't believable

-" Well no matter what the reason is, you shouldn't worry about her, things are now back to what they were on before " Sunghoon said , faked a smile and giving everyone the "let's not talk about this anymore " look

Everyone did , the conversation ended , and jungwon had his eyes still fixed on Jay's uncomfortable posture,  He knew him better, Jay had something in mind

Being too observant helped him be close to everyone, made it easier for him to approach them and know all their worries , Jungwon has already noticed the brief mood changes Jay had , him zoning out , and the looks he exchanged with heeseung whenever the older started a conversation with everyone around , jungwon just knew , Jay was hiding something,  something big enough to make him spend the night staring through the window. He saw Jay like this before,  it didn't end up well , and he blamed himself for not offering help , the young boy couldn't make the same mistake twice , he felt he had to talk to jay about it, or at least make him know,  he's here's for him

So he made an alarm , exactly on 2 am , being a light sleeper he knew he'll just wakeup from the vibration of his phone , he did , but maybe his hand was a little bit slow , and he missed the first two seconds of the loud alarm . Jungwon looked at everyone around him , no one was awake , not even sunoo was bothered by it , he sighted relief , There's no way Jay heard it . Jungwon walked out of the room , taking baby steps , not to make any noises , and just like he expected,  Jay,  tonight as well , was looking through the window , at the construction site next to them , he passed to the kitchen and got himself a glass of water , then stood next to Jay

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