I've seen you

501 19 4

I'm here , in the old metro station, just thinking , the metro is coming closer , you can hear it , I close my eyes , listening to it's sound, imagining all the people that would've been here , waiting for it's arrival , it'd be so noisy , so messy , and so alive .
Closing my eyes opening my ears , and my inner mind , calling for the imagination and maybe inspiration to say something that isn't so depressive , i kind of feel you're abandoning me too if i keep going like this . The metro comes closer , my eyes are closed , but i sense a movement around , an idea visited me , what if it's a ghost , it'd be so fun and entertaining, but to be completely clear , I hate ghosts , they make me feel the fear , and I don't like feeling .
As the train was getting closer , the movement was getting more annoying, more real , that's definitely not a ghost because now I can hear the footsteps coming towards me , I'll pretend i didn't notice , maybe they'll leave , the metro was gone now , there aren't even news papers on the floor to fly with the effect of it's speed , it'd make a great image of an abandoned metro station , that even the metro wouldn't stop for . The footsteps stopped by my seat , I can tell whoever is here , they're staring again , a light body was put on the seat next to me , a child ? A tiny human ? This isn't a safe place for any of them . I opened my eyes , a tiny silhouette was sitting next to me , staring , and i can tell it's full of questions , i tried to ignore the existence sitting next to me , but as it seems , the tiny boy in blue hoodie didn't have planes to leave , or to stop looking at me as i got uncomfortable with it , i side eyed him , he smiled , i can tell he's 17 Yo or so , white skin , cute dimples , winged eyes and gummy smile , definitely a Child , who isn't supposed to be here , not at this time . It didn't concern me , even if i was curious, I wouldn't include myself
- " Do you live around ?"
I ignored the boy next to me , who seemed to be into talking to strangers
- " I live 45 min walk away , why are you here ? Metro doesn't stop here , no one takes it from this station anymore " but he kept talking
- "I'm not here for the metro" I said as I stood up , I didn't have any plans of making friends , even with this little boy who looked like a kitten , even my brain is screaming *MUST PROTECT* , I still have no plans to do so
I'm not too old , I'm just 20 , but I'm not into talking to younger people, because it ends up with me revealing my goofy personality , or at least that's how it was

The boy stood up too , grabbed his backpack and walked next to me "I've seen you before" , he said with a pure voice

I'm not a stalker , or any kind of weird people, but I can definitely identify anyone I've seen even for once , and I've never seen this boy's face in my life !

He probably noticed that i was absentminded, " i saw you through our practice room's window , you don't live far far away , it's about 45 min walk isn't it ?"

I got surprised by this, as relaxed i was to know that I didn't recognize his face because the boy saw me through a window, as scared that this boy is talking about my appartment, the scary part is that the building facing my window is in construction, no one lives there !

The thought of ghosts came back to me , am I talking to a ghost ! And why the hell does a ghost need a practice room !

The boy smirked , he must have felt that I'm uncomfortable with this " well we finally met , and i expect we will meet more often ! I'm jungwon "
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