are you fine ?

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I woke up , with a headache,  in my room , how did i get here ? I have no idea , the dream i just had struck back at my memory,  the shattering sounds , a scared face and a leaning forward body , and then darkness , I've been getting this kind of dreams , the shattering sound , kind of dreams , 2 years ago , at this point you might want to know who really am I,  right ? 
I don't know either,  I feel like i was thrown in this world suddenly,  i don't remember a family , or friends,  after being a 10 YO , i do have some memories frome the time before that , but , nothing after , i was living in anywhere the world allowed me to stay in , and then I found a camera , an old camera probably its owner threw it away because it was horrible,  i cleaned the lenses , and the next thing i knew is that people started paying me for taking their pics,  I could have a stable life,  started working out , found that I'm so good at dancing and worked more on my fashion interests, it got better from then , and led me to my today's self , so if you wanna define me , I'm just the kid of the world , i have no obvious identity , but I created one .

I turned on my side , why are these dreams coming back ? And why can't i remember who were these people ..

My phone rang , i picked up , didn't even check for the name , FYI it was just a number
-" HELLO ? Mr JAY ? " a feminine voice came through my phone , "I'm Ji eun , we met yesterday ?"

I didn't get out of my house yesterday !

-" Oh , yeah , did you need anything ?" I said as i checked my schedule,  no one is supposed to come for photoshoot this week, and pretending like i didn't know her could bring me troubles

-" Aah , hehe no actually i was just worried about you, you passed out yesterday as you was walking away,  i managed to ask for help and some people helped me to take you to your home "

What is she talking about !

-" your neighbors seemed to be completely fine with it as if it's usual , but you didn't seem to be fine that's why I called !"

-" aah , haha I'm fine nvm , thank you for caring "  I had no idea what was i supposed to say but she seemed to know what is she talking about , so .. Maybe going with the flow would just keep her away , but obviously she was willing to have a long term relationship with me , as her words showed , she kept making sure I'm fine , which is actually something weird because since I came here no one really cared about me that much , all i got was just because of the manners our society forces us to have , no one really wanted to know if I'm fine , so , and after a long time , having someone who's really worried about me made my heart feel warm , and as i said,  i hate feeling

I somehow managed to end the call , and I still don't know what was she talking about , I'm still wearing the same clothes , and my items are in their positions so I obviously didn't leave the house in the past 2 days, my memory confirms it too , so who was this woman , and what was she bluffing about ? I got up from my bed , and headed to my computer,  plugged the camera into it and started looking for the pics she said I took of her , because,  ending the call wouldn't happen if we didn't agree to meet , so I hand her her photos , the problem is that I take many random pics of random people so how am I supposed to remember her face !

I kept thinking of a solution as my gallery was loading on the screen,  and right then , I saw pics I don't remember taking them , of a lady in a coffeeshop I knew well since it's near my appartment,  sipping her tea , this must be her right ? She seemed familiar,  a face I've seen before,  well , I don't know anymore let me just finish my job and get rid of this , i don't want anything to do with a stranger that calls me after 1 meeting to ask how I'm doing , it's weird !

I finished working on them , grabbed my backpack and went on a walk

Different POV
Walking out of the apartment,  Jay passed by the place he saw both Jake and Riki , obviously unable to remember them , but for an unknown reason he stopped and stared at the same spot where riki had a physical contact with him , you can tell how confused he was , but , he would never know what happened here,  as it was his choice to forget !

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