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A different POV

Jay kept sacrificing, kept practicing and playing around when he barely had energy to stand up , the voice was right, Jay,  after saving his friends,  was slowly heading to his death

Every person was born with a guardian angel of him , looks after him all the time , Jay took occupation of being the guardian angel of his friends , he was doing his best to protect them , but fate isn't faire is it

Jay had a chance of saving them , and he took it regardless of the results , he didn't mind the suffering he had been going through , not until his phone rang again, " jay-shi ,you still remember what you had in those papers don't you " . The voice was back , and his friends were in danger again

As long as he existed and remembered what he knew,  his friends were never safe , the voice wouldn't let go of him , and so , Jay,  after that night,  said goodbye to his soulmate,  an emotional one , heading to the top of a building , if he didn't exist anymore , they'll be safe won't they ? He was already dying , what was the point of living longer and risking his friends life,  and again, Jay decided to sacrifice

Most people were surrounded by their guardian angel since long time , met them and got to know them , most people have a strong emotional bond to their guardians , it wasn't the case for Jay,  Jay's guardian was a real angel , humans aren't able to see them , but they exist !

Being an angel means having a soft heart , and being a guardian angel meant that no matter what , you are always allowed to help your human , no matter how , and so , Jay's guardian, finally decided to step in , and save him from this world , he wouldn't let him end his life , but wouldn't let him keep it going , not in this world

On the edge of the top of the building,  stood Jay , eyes no longer able to produce tears , or his mind didn't see he was worthy of them , he was doing the right thing for his friends' wellbeing,  he shouldn't be scared !

-" I can help you " a voice came from the sky

Jay got startled , by the sudden voice , wore his cold face again , looked at the sky and smiled sarcastically

-" I can't trust you , stupid voices "

-" I have good intentions,  and no conditions , I won't stop you from doing what you want , but I can guarantee that if you listen to me , everyone will be safe"

-" I don't need anything , I just want to vanish , to never exist in this world , to never cause any pain , I want a normal life but that's not possible ! "

-" What if I can offer this to you "

-" Can you? " Jay replied,  with more sarcasm, sarcasm of a broken soul , he didn't care anymore

-" You'll have to forget so he leaves you , and to die to survive, I'll help you,  the whole world wouldn't remember you  "

-" I'm listening"

-" Have you heard of parallel worlds ?"

And so , Jay ,with the help of his guardian angel , left the world he lived forever in , his friends,  his family,  his everything , even his memory, behind,  he left people's memories, in that world , no Jay ever existed , his existence was deleted . But he'd never expected that he's not leaving the memories of the people he tried his best to protect , his friends...

His guardian angel decided to come with him this time , live with him , and protect him with all coasts,  and to prevent any connections with the old world , not even himself,  and like that , the guardian angel , turned into a pocket sized cute little woman , with sparkling eyes whenever she looked at Jay , and enough power to protect him , his guardian angel , became JI EUN

Ji eun did her best ,every time to protect him after he left that world , took him home whenever he fainted because of connections with his friends , hid him from them , traveling worlds gives people the chance to see both worlds, the old and new , hiding him was the hardest , and deleting his memories everytime he took longer than 1 day to wake up was harder , she prevented his feelings , kept them inactive, she didn't want him to get hurt in any way breaking the rules , because she wanted to protect him , because that's why she existed

She didn't even show up in front of him , not until his friends were showing up again . All of them , they were dangerous,  she had to stop them , but maybe , even she , failed her mission


That's our end season , probably won't post for a while because I honestly have no idea how to fix the mess i made , but I'll be trying

I hope you liked it , as a concept and ideas , because I wouldn't like all that pain , let me know your opinions suggestion,  your mind is important to me

See you when I see you , and keep loving ENHYPEN 💜

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