Sunday morning

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Niki's POV

Jay wasn't waking up , in weeks,  Ji eun said this is the worst time , he never took this long to wake up , he was taking way too long , and we were all worried,  especially called his guardian angel .Most people would think she was evil , I thought that too after seeing her choking sunghoon almost to death without laying a finger on him , but I couldn't show it , I was scared she might turn me back to the world with no Jay in it, I wouldn't risk , so I kept my distance for the 1st 2 weeks , she didn't mind either , she was just hovering around the house when she comes , cleans and cooks , gets groceries,  and make sure Jay isn't having any troubles in his sleep , when sunghoon wasn't around , she looked so peaceful,  nice and caring , took care of both me and Jay . And I realized she wasn't a bad person , or an angel , she was just protecting him from what could've cause him any harm , even if it was people he loved the most , she was too strict, but seeing what happened , I could understand she did it for his best , And I eventually felt more comfortable and grateful for her , she was an angel , she had nothing to do with devils

Sunoo came along with sunghoon , so did jungwon,  through the past weeks the three of them kept coming over , took role in taking care of me , since i rejected ji eun's care , we would laugh at moments , but , soon enough we felt guilty to laugh while Jay isn't fine , but even when he's unconscious,  he had that energy,  we never laughed like this since he left , and having him on the bed next room , really felt like the old days when we had fun while he was having a nap .

It's a Saturday, Sunoo and jungwon just left , they say coming to this world became much easier , sunghoon and jake said the same last time they were here , they said every time something happens the transition between the two worlds becomes easier , I never tried it before , I did only once,  though the metro station , just went there and found myself in this world , too easy to be real , but too easy to be thought of

I glanced at Jay,  who is still sleeping, making me hurt inside, I wasn't doing that well , wasn't taking him being not fine well , I would sleepwalk , while dreaming of him being all fine , bicker with me , yell at me , make himself coffee , lay on the chair and just stare outside,  read a book or look so focused while looking for an answer for a random question that popped suddenly in his brain , I couldn't take that energetic Jay was just laying since weeks , and that i could've saved him but i didn't,  the guilt killed me , made me see him all around the house , doing whatever he would do , but disappear as i step closer to him , maybe none of us should ever stepped closer to him .

Thinking about that gave me heartache, ji eun showed me HOW did he end up here , whenever the others weren't around , and she just popped out of nowhere in the house , she would flick her fingers and I'd understand the situation more, as if reading the explanation part of a supernatural book , i could understand what she did . Ji eun .. she kinda smuggled Jay to this world , made the supervisors believe he jumped and killed himself , and brought him here , deleted every memory anyone but us had of him , and deleted his own memories , knowing he wouldn't accept what she did . The supervisors didn't either , she crossed her lines by bringing a human from a world to another , Jay was already planed to be sent away , to get rid of , because of one and only reason , if he looked more, if he knew more and rejected to help the universe to heal , he'd know how to cross worlds,  causing the lose of balance of the worlds , he had to help with his knowledge,  sacrifice till his very last blood drop , or just end right away, disappear and turn all his knowledge into ashes , that no one would be able to use

Ji eun never agreed , her protective mother like feelings couldn't allow her to watch while he was being dragged to his end , so she did what she did , and  they had no right to punish her for doing what she was meant to do , protect Jay .

Ji eun trusted us , most of us , she gave some of us chances to see him , maybe one of us would decide to stay with him , make him less lonely .. it didn't work much , we started appearing again and again , every time she saved him from collapsing to his end , activating his memories over and over , and with every touch , we caused more harm to the universal matrix , She felt betrayed

We didn't belong to this world , neither did Jay,  but he was part of here and we weren't,  so when someone who lives in this world meets someone from another world , touch it , the matrix changes . In the very first times we faced hard times finding him , the worlds were completely separated , but the more we touched , the more the two worlds got overlapped,  we started finding him easier , he didn't vanish anymore after every touch , as if the worlds were uniting into 1 world , and Jay being part of both worlds , was the main reason

I kept thinking about all of this , the world was too cruel to Jay,  both worlds were , and we made it harder , here he is , laying before my eyes, his brain fighting to survive , the universal matrix trying it's best to be corrected , but deleting the one mistake , Jay ...

I don't know how , but in the middle of all those thoughts,  I found myself crying and side hugging Jay,  wishing he'd wake up and tell me to stay still , play with me and laugh at me when i do what he asks for , I really would do anything to see him move in front of me again , but .. even ji eun said she can do nothing,  it's more powerful than her

And that's how I spent my Saturday night, overthinking and sleeping next to Jay,  hoping for the old good days to come back , clinging to his side , yet curled on the side of the bed, i don't want to disturb his sleep , he really loved sleeping ... he always did

.... faster than I knew , the morning came , the sunshine was sneaking through the window, annoying me , too bright,  I smelled coffee , heard a very familiar song playing ,is ji eun already here ? I opened my eyes slowly, " Today is a bright day.. brighter than any day I spent here " I said as i walked to the curtain of the window , talking to jay , wishing he could hear me .. and as I closed the curtains , I could hear a familiar voice,  honey like voice singing along with the song

"Sunday morning, rain is falling .. "

I turned quickly to the bed , it was empty ! Ran to the kitchen while listening to his voice that I missed the most ,  Jay woke up ...

" Steal some covers, share some skin"

What if I'm just playing myself , what if I'm still in a dream , what if I wake up and find him still laying next to me on that bed !

"Clouds are shrouding us in moments unforgettable"

Is that sunghoon singing in the kitchen ?did the boys come early and took him to clean his parts ? They usually just use a wet towel

"You twist to fit the mold that I am in"

The voice is still singing , and the kitchen never felt that far , my knees can't carry me, I'm not ready to have my heart broken , I don't want to give myself hope , I don't want to see my only dream shatter into pieces.. I don't want Jay to stay asleep anymore

"But things just get so crazy"

I stood there , by the door, looking at the reason why my day seemed brighter

"Living life gets hard to do"

there stood Jay,  real Jay,  not my hallucinations,  it was him

"And I would gladly hit the road, get up and go if I knew"

facing the counter  , sweetening his coffee ,  singing along and sweetening my day

"That someday it would lead me back to you"

He turned to me , gave me his refreshing , most beautiful smile , waving his hands for me to come closer while he's still singing , he looked so ethereal

"That someday it would lead me back to you"

I got closer , hugged him , he was real , I wasn't dreaming , the person I've been praying this whole time to be fine , was just here , singing and smiling , hugging me back ..

"That may be all I need"

The song kept going , while i was hugging him , both of us smiling , happy , that is all I need .

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