𝐅𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐲 𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐬

399 19 8

Your mind was racing, desperately trying to come up with something that could save Draco. You looked at the unmoving form that was your boyfriend. He was lying very still. Too still...

"Draco?" You called his name, trying to hide your worries. A sickening feeling filled your gut when he didn't respond nor react. "Draco, please say something." The lump in your throat made it hard to get the words out and still not seeing any signs of him being alive, caused the tears to fill your eyes and you fought hard to hold them back. "Draco?"

Israel looked down at his victim, obviously also noticing the disturbing lack of movements from Draco's part as he nudged him with his foot. Still not getting any reaction he bent down over him. You prayed that Draco wouldn't be dead. If he'd turned out to be, you don't know what you'd do...

Just when you thought that he really was gone Draco literally burst into life, gripping Israel's arms and pulling him down towards himself as he lifted the rest of the man's body over his own, using his legs. Israel flipped over Draco and landed on his back. Confusion flashed across the blue eyes and before he was able to react, Draco had already launched himself at him, throwing a well—aimed punch to his temple, knocking him out cold.

After taking a very brief moment to just let it all sink in you practically ran up to Draco who was sitting next to the lifeless body. He turned his head. Never taking his eyes off of you, he attempted to stand up. He was only a few steps away from you when his legs crumbled down beneath him. Leaping forward you managed to catch him before he'd hit the ground. He was heavy though. Quickly realizing that you wouldn't be able to hold both him and yourself on the ground.

"It's ok Draco," you said, gently rubbing his back. "I've got you."

Draco burst into tears as he sobbed, you kissed his forehead.

"You're safe. They won't hurt you anymore." You whispered in his ear. You watched as Rafael tied Israel as well.

"The paramedics will be here shortly," Rafael informed.

"Is he...?" You began as you held Draco in your arms.

"Dead? No, he's just knocked out." Rafael reassured. You nodded and continued to comfort Draco by stroking his hair.

"We're going home Draco." You said. Draco closed his eyes and enjoyed being in your arms. They waited for the ambulances and the police, Rafael watched on the two men who were still unconscious.

They heard sirens far in the distance then footsteps walking towards them.

"Arrest these two." The deputy ordered as two police officers nodded and grabbed each man and dragged them away.

Meanwhile, you and two paramedics struggled to talk Draco into letting go of you so that they could bring him with them. The whole time they were checking him over while trying to get him to tell them how he felt so that they could start getting a picture of his condition. It was hard though. Draco wasn't exactly cooperative and after twenty minutes of trying to convince him that there was nothing to worry about without much luck, their patients began to run out. One of the paramedics placed a hand on Draco's shoulder, gently pulling him backward and away from you. You too leaned back a little, increasing the gap between them. The feeling of slipping away from each other caused Draco to panic though and he practically threw himself at you again, wrapping his arms around you and holding on as tight as he possibly could.

"Please don't let them take me." He spoke into your shoulder, his voice cracking at the end.

"It's ok. They're not gonna hurt you." You reassured, feeling like you'd let him down when you'd helped them to force him away from you. "They're gonna take you to the hospital."

"But I'm fine." He whimpered, looking at you through watery eyes. "I just need to go home." You placed your hands on either side of his face holding it in place while looking into his grey polls. "Please"

It pained you not to be able to grant his wish. But you knew that he needed medical care and he had to go to the hospital, for his own good.

"Draco, you're not fine." You said softly. He knew what you was getting to and he frowned.

"Please..." He pleaded again, his lips trembling. Looking into his eyes at that moment and knowing that what you were about to say next was the opposite of what he wanted to hear, was heartbreaking. You sighed.

"Draco, you need to go. They're gonna help you." He closed his eyes, causing the tears to spill over while contorting his whole face into a grimace of hurt. "They're gonna make the pain go away, so you can go home again." You said, trying to stop the sobs that you knew were on their way. Your words didn't help though and he started to cry. He was still resting his head in your hands and you used your thumbs to wipe his tears away.

"Why...?" He swallowed. "Why can't I go home now?"

"Because we don't know what kind of injures you have." A female paramedic answered. The sound of her voice caused Draco to break away from your hold and hide his face in your shoulder again.

"I wanna go home with you Y/N." He said quietly. The fact that you seemed to be so important to him made you feel all fuzzy inside and to tell you the truth there was nothing that you wanted more than to take him home with you.

"Draco it's critical that you get to a hospital as soon as possible." The woman said again. "You're girlfriend can come too."

"You hear that Dray?" You said, looking down at him. "I'll be coming with you." Knowing that you weren't going to leave him seemed to have a positive effect on him and after taking a moment to calm down, he finally agreed to get in the ambulance. He still refused to let go of you though so placing him on a stretcher was out of the question. Instead, he insisted on walking up to the ambulance, of course with you close by his side, supporting him.

Everyone seemed to agree that it would be best if you rode in the ambulance with him, to keep the stress level to a minimum. Not that they had much of a choice. You couldn't get more than a few inches away from him before he would start to freak out.

Well inside the vehicle they were able to give him some sedatives and he agreed to lie down on the stretcher. The drugs made him drowsy and it looked as if he was fighting to stay awake. You took his hand and he immediately grabbed ahold of it.

You felt calm and relieved knowing that it was all over. Israel and Alan were captured and would hopefully be locked in prison for a very long time. Draco was saved and both you and Rafael had made it without getting themselves harmed or killed. The whole rescue mission had turned out to be a great success and now they could go back to living their lives again.

You squeezed Draco's hand while caressing his cheek with your other hand, looking into his half—opened eyes.

"Everything will be alright." You whispered. Draco knew from that moment that he was gonna be okay.


A/N: They finally rescued Draco. Israel and Alan are finally arrested. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

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