𝐖𝐞'𝐫𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐨𝐧

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You were discharged from the hospital clinic, you returned to your cell with more security measures and Monica was transferred to another facility. Ximena promised Draco that she would look after you and the babies.

"Do you have any names picked out for the twins?" Ximena asked with a small smile.

"I'm not sure, if it's a boy then I want to name him Scorpius," you replied, remembering how Draco mentioned to you about naming his son Scorpius.

"Scorpius?" Ximena asked, fascinated with the name. You nodded and placed your hand on your stomach.

"Draco chose that name a few months ago. It's a constellation name that his family always has this tradition to name their children after a constellation and I want to continue that tradition." You replied and Ximena smiled.

"What if the baby is a girl? What would you name her?" She asked.

"I'm not sure," you replied. "Draco and I haven't talked about what to name if the babies or one of them is a girl." Ximena nodded and smiled.

"You will be an amazing mother, I just know it." Ximena beamed. A guard walked towards their cell and began to unlock it.

"You two can go outside." The guard said bitterly. Ximena and you walked outside to see other prisoners walking around or chatting with one another. You saw the little group of Monica, all of them looked lost without their leader and that made you smirk.

Ximena and you sat down and began to talk about illegal adoption documents.

"I'm gonna go to the sheriff's office and you will look out if any guards are roaming around," you explained and Ximena agreed. The two of you stood up and began to walk back inside when you were stopped by a guard.

"Where are you two going?" The guard asked with an eyebrow raised. You two began to panic but you quickly rose your hand over your mouth and Ximena got the message.

"She isn't feeling well," Ximena said and the guard nodded, she let them in. The guard left while they went to the office. Ximena stood by the door while you went inside the room and closed the door behind you.

You began to look at the same place but realized that it was no longer in the same place where you last saw them.

"They probably moved it somewhere else." You let out a sigh as you opened drawers, cabinets, anything to find those papers but when you tried to open one cabinet you found it locked.

Bingo. You removed a hairpin from your hair and began to pick at the lock which was a success. You found a lot of files, you began to take out the files and flipped through the pages of different cases of prison women giving birth to their babies and taking them away without their consent. The facility sells the newborns to rich parents, you read one of them.

Birth's Mother name: Jacqueline Perez

Child's full name: Taylor Elizabeth Perez

Jacqueline Perez died during childbirth, along with her daughter.

You felt the tears well up in your eyes as you finished reading the letter, you couldn't believe what you found out.

You grabbed the piece of paper and put it inside your pocket, you also found some papers that this police made scam to the victim's families. You took some papers with you and you put away the documents leaving with the papers.

"You got it?" Ximena asked, slightly nervous about getting caught.

"Yes," you whispered. "I need to call Harry and he will get us out."

"I can't wait to leave this place so I can find my daughter." Ximena sighed with hope in her eyes then her eyes traveled down to your stomach and gasped. "You're showing!"

"I know, doctors told me that it's normal for me to start showing sooner since I'm pregnant with twins." You smiled.

"Thank you Y/N." Ximena began to tear up. "For everything you are doing. I know you are risking your life but we deserve to be free from this hell place."

"I'll do anything to get us out and hopefully with this last piece of evidence we can leave here. Now let's go before we get caught." You whispered and the two left and roamed around the hallways when you stumbled on the same female guard.

"You feeling better?" She asked.

"Yes," you replied. The guard nodded and walked them to their cell. "Can I call my lawyer?"

"Fine but make it quick." The guard led you out of your cell and called Harry, they agreed to meet later in the noon. After that, you went back to your cell and began to reread one of Draco's letter

Dear darling,

I miss you so much, I'm trying everything to get you out. I hope you are feeling well and also our children, I can't stop staring at the sonogram knowing that we will become parents soon and I can't wait to meet them.

I'm so proud of you for doing everything you have done. I know you want everyone to be free from there and Harry will do everything to expose that prison. Please be safe, I love you.


Draco M.

You smiled at his letter but were interrupted by a loud bang against the metal bars.

"Yoy have a visitor Y/L/N." A guard gritted as she opened the cell and placed handcuffs on you as you were led to the visiting room to see Harry.

"Hello, Harry." You greeted him once you sat down across from him.

"Hello Y/N." He replied with a small smile on his face as he began to rummage through his briefcase. "Have you found anything?" He asked in a hushed tone and you nodded, sneakily taking out the papers.

"I found these in the sheriff's office." You whispered as he scanned the papers. "These are illegal documents of women prisoners having their children taken after they gave birth." She pointed out.

He pressed his lips into a thin line as he furrowed his eyebrows.

"With this information, I can get you and everyone out of this place," Harry assured. A tear rolled down your cheek at the thought of being free from this place and finally being in Draco's arms again.

"In one of the documents there is a woman who gave birth to a daughter but they both died during labor." You said as Harry nodded and placed the documents inside his briefcase.

"I can demand this place for negligence." He said. "I have a high chance that you will be released soon." You smiled and stood up to hug Harry.

"Thank you." You say as you began to get emotional. You two chatted for a bit then he said his goodbyes as you were led back to your cell. You sat down on your bed and placed your hand on your stomach. "We will be going home soon, my loves."


A/N: I'm having writer's blocks with this story so this story might take a bit longer to update. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

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