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You had entered your fifth month into your pregnancy. Draco and you found out the gender of the baby which is a girl, both Draco, you, and the adoptive parents were excited about the baby girl.

The adoptive parents agreed that you and Draco can visit their child whenever they want and can take their daughter on their own. Ryan and Draco made a bet about the baby gender, Draco betted on a boy while Ryan betted on a girl. So when Draco found out it was a girl he gave Ryan 50 bucks. Ryan teased Draco if you or Teresa isn't around to play tea party with her. Draco could volunteer.

Draco and Ryan were in the living room playing a video game.

"You know since the baby is a girl, she will start to date when she gets older," Ryan smirked while Draco shooked his head and laughed.

"Ryan, she is not even here and you are already telling me what to expect." Draco laughed. Ryan shrugged.

"I'm just telling you, I know all fathers won't let their daughters have a boyfriend." Ryan chuckled. "You have the envy of every boy Y/N ever known. Y/N was a beauty from the start. The boys never stopped asking her out. But she was picky, even as a teenager."

"Wow." Draco gasped. Ryan's phone rang, giving Draco an apologetic look and took the call. He walked away from Draco and began talking, Draco couldn't hear the other person but by the look on Ryan's face, he knew it was something serious.

After a couple of minutes of Ryan on the phone, he came back to Draco.

"We tracked down the rivals. Mason told me where there are." Ryan told Draco. He nodded.

"I'm coming with you." Draco insisted. Ryan hesitated, and looked at Draco, a bit queasy but nodded.

"Alright, but Y/N can't find out where we're going," Ryan stated, Draco nodded. He handed Draco a gun. "Take this, in case we are in trouble," Ryan told him.

"What are you two talking about?" You asked, walking in. You had your hand on your stomach and raised an eyebrow at the two men. Ryan rubbed the back of his neck, nervously.

"Nothing important...How's the baby?" He questioned. You smiled and looked at your stomach.

"She has been moving a lot lately but it's still too early to feel her kick," you replied. Draco smiled.

"Have you two thought of any names?" Ryan asked. You shooked your head.

"Teresa and I made a list of names for this one but there is not a name we like." Ryan nodded and thought for a moment.

"How about Liliana?" Ryan suggested. Draco and you looked at each other.

"I love it! I'm gonna tell Teresa about the name later." You smiled. Draco nodded. "We can call her Lia or Lili for short." Draco walked over to you and wrapped his arms around you and kissed your forehead.

"Liliana isn't a bad name, I bet our baby will look like you. Beautiful as always." You blushed at the comment and giggled. You walked away but felt a bit suspicious of where Ryan and Draco were going so you hid behind the wall and listened to their conversation.

"Who else is going with us?" Draco asked, checking to see if you were out of sight.

"Xavier, Mason, Ace, and Alex," Ryan replied Draco nodded. You watched the two men begin to discuss going somewhere. You had to follow them you wanted to know where they are going, you didn't care if they don't want you to go you wanted to see what was happening. The other gang members walked towards Draco and Ryan and began talking.

"This is our chance," Mason said. Everyone in the room nodded they began to walk away. You followed behind them, keeping your distance. The men got in the car and you got into yours, you waited until they drove off. You followed them they ended up at a warehouse. The men got out and so did you.

"Y/N, what are you doing here?" Draco questioned, walking towards you. The other gang members walked towards them as well.

"I had to see what was going on," you said. Ryan walked up to you and let out a sigh.

"Y/N, go home. It's dangerous for you to be out here!" Ryan exclaimed. You looked at them.

"I overheard you tracked down Alan and I want to confront him for killing Israel. I don't care if—" You were interrupted.

"Get down!" Mason's voice rang out as multiple gunshots rang out. Everyone took out their guns and began shooting at the rival.

"Go inside! Go inside! Ryan take Y/N inside!" Draco ordered. Ryan grabbed you and rushed inside while the others continued to shoot. A grown man grabbed Draco and dragged the blonde to the car. Draco fought to get out of the man's grip. "Let go of me! Let me go!" Draco shouted, another man knocked Draco out and placed the blonde in the car. The last thing Draco heard were your cries.

You and Ryan cried out as the windows shattered. You let out a high pitch scream, you feared the worst. Ryan and you ducked behind a piece of furniture as more glass was shattered. After a while the shooting stopped, Ryan looked at you.

"Are you ok?" Ryan asked. You nodded, still shaken about what happened. You were more worried about Draco. Was he injured? Is he ok? You wanted to know if he was safe. You began to feel light—headed.


Ryan's eyes traveled down your body to see a gunshot wound on the side of your stomach. He placed his hand on the side of your stomach.

"Y/N, Y/N. You'll be ok." Ryan said. You looked down to see the gunshot wound and began panicking.

"My baby, my baby. I can't lose her." You cried. Ryan held you close to him and cried. You began to lose consciousness and tried to stay awake.

"Y/N, don't close your eyes. Don't close them...you'll be alright. No, no, no. Please stay with me." You closed your eyes and lost consciousness. "No, no, no. Mason! Draco! Someone call an ambulance! Please!"


A/N: What did you think of this chapter? Draco got kidnapped and Y/N got shot, what will happen to their baby?

I hope you enjoy this chapter.

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