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Four years later

You stared into the mirror, fixing your necklace while Draco sat on the edge of the bed, holding two small toddlers in his arms.

"Mama, pwetty." Scorpius clapped his small hands, smiling at you. Draco looked down at his son.

"That's right buddy, mummy looks beautiful." He replied. Eliana looked at her father with a smile. You turned around to stare at your husband and your two children.

These past few years brought you so much happiness in your life. You couldn't ask anything more.

You and Draco got married around the sixth month of your pregnancy. It was a lovely ceremony with close friends and family, Lucius walked you down the aisle. You will treasure that day for the rest of your life.

Then you gave birth to your babies a few weeks early than your original due date. Draco was a nervous freak while you on the other hand were calm until you started to push but once they placed the babies on your chest. You couldn't help to cry about admiring the babies and you thanked Draco for everything. Sometimes when you look at Scorpius and Eliana you would feel saddened by how they will never meet your parents and ask yourself why your biological parents abandoned you.

You turned back to the mirror to take one last look at yourself, feeling nervous and excited. Draco placed the twins on the bed and walked towards you, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his chin on your shoulder.

"Nervous?" He asked, lowering his head to place a soft kiss on your shoulder. You let out a sigh.

"Yes." You replied. He raised his head and smiled at you.

"I'm so proud of you my love." He whispered. "I know Scorp and Eliana are proud of you too." You smiled as you turned your head to look at the twins who were talking with each other. Your heart melted, seeing them as you remembered what today was; graduation.

In the last few months of your pregnancy, you applied to colleges with Draco's help and you got accepted to one. You spend endless hours on exams and homework. Draco took care of the twins whenever you were in classes and made sure to help you with any assignments.

There were times you wanted to give up but Draco reminded you that Scorpius and Eliana were gonna look up to you, especially Scorpius. He's a mommy's boy and looks for you. Draco was there whenever things became overwhelming for you, allowing you to cry on his shoulder but after many shed tears, endless amount of sleep, and frustration. It was worth it in the end.

"Mommy." Eliana beamed. You walked over to your daughter and picked her up, wrapping her small arms around your neck. "I love you."

"I love you too and your brother." You kissed her cheek as she let out a giggle.

"What about me?" Draco asked, with a pout on his face and crossing his arms. You let out a laugh before kissing him on the lips, hearing the whines from Scorpius.

"Mommy, daddy. Stop." He groaned, trying to tug at your dress in an attempt to separate you two.

"Scorp, mommy's and daddies are supposed to do that to show that they love each other," Eliana explained to her brother. You smiled at her.

"Let's get going." You replied. Scorpius extended his arms out for Draco to pick him up then the four of you left the house to go to the place the graduation will take place. Scorpius was happily chatting with you throughout the whole car ride.

"Then can we get ice cream tomorrow?" He asked, almost pleadingly. You turned your head to look at him with a smile.

"Yes, we can." He smiled. You can see the resemblance of Draco while Eliana resembled you. You turned your attention back to the front and leaned your head against the window, closing your eyes for a moment.

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