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An ambulance arrived at the warehouse and placed you on a gurney they immediately rushed you to the hospital. Ryan followed them and the others as well.

"COLD BLUE ICU! COLD BLUE ICU!" A doctor called out as they rushed you to the ER. "Prepare the operating room we need to save her and her baby, stat." Ryan and the others stayed in the waiting room.

"Where's Draco?" Ryan asked the gang members. They looked at the floor until Mason looked up.

"They got him. It was a setup they wanted Draco. But the thing I don't understand is how they found out about Draco? Y/N and Draco never acted like a couple outside of the house." Mason thought of who could have known about Y/N and Draco being a couple.

"Well the only person that has been missing is Israel," Ryan said. "But you guys found his car abandoned and blood splatter around." The others nodded and began to think of who could have betrayed them.

"What if he isn't dead," Ace began. "What if he was the one who told the rival about Y/N and Draco but why would he do that to us? We gave him everything. We treated him as a brother."

"We need to find Draco but right now we need to be with Y/N and hope nothing is wrong with her or the baby." They nodded and sat down. They waited for a while, doctors rushed in and out. Ryan was about to doze off when a doctor walked out.

"Family members of Y/N Y/L/N." Ryan and the rest of the others stood up and walked towards the doctor.

"We're family members of Y/N," Ryan spoke, he had been crying and praying if they were alright. The doctor nodded and continued.

"I am Dr. Harth, I was the one who performed the surgery and this is Dr. Greene, Y/N's OB/GYN." Dr. Harth explained. Ryan just looked at him, with a dim of hope in his eyes.

"How is she?" Ryan asked.

"Y/N is going to be fine. We were able to stop the bleeding. She should make a full recovery." Dr. Harth attempted to smile, but Ryan saw right through it. There was more news on the way, and a pit in his stomach told him it was bad.

"The baby?" It was all he could manage to say. Dr. Greene walked towards him. Ryan looked at him and just knew.

"The bullet entered the placenta, causing the baby to be torn away from the oxygen. We did an ultrasound before she went into surgery, planning to get the baby out and into NICU, but the baby was already gone. I'm so sorry." 

Tears streamed down Ryan's face. Draco and you lost their daughter, how would you react to the news and the news of Draco's disappearance. Does she know? "Y/N."

"She is being moved into a room as we speak." Dr. Harth told him. "I can take you to her room." Ryan nodded and looked at the others.

"Go, she needs you right now. We'll wait here." Alex said, Ryan, followed Dr. Harth to Y/N's room.

"I'll be outside if you need me." Ryan nodded and walked inside. He walked over to you. The first thing he noticed was that your baby bump was gone. Your stomach was still slightly swollen from the surgery, but your daughter was no longer in there. There was a chair next to your bed and Ryan sank into it, an IV was in her arm. You looked nothing like their Y/N. Their Y/N was strong and full of life. This Y/N looked fragile and pail. If it wasn't for the monitor on the opposite side of the bed beeping her heart rate, he'd very easily mistake her for dead. He lowered his head and began to sob.

You moaned out in pain and moved around. You opened your eyes and looked around the room, you knew you were in a hospital and you heard a sob. You looked to your left and saw Ryan sitting there.

𝐖𝐡𝐨 𝐂𝐚𝐧 𝐖𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐭? || 𝐃.𝐌 ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora