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You and Rafael looked at the man, laying on the ground. He has been passed out for a few hours and they want to interrogate him. The man shifted slightly and opened his eyes, he stared at you and Rafael.

"Who are you? Where am I? How did I get here?" The man asked as he rubbed his head. The hungover took effect on him.

"Mr. Smith, I know all about you. I know your family, your job, where you live. Etc. Now I know you are very close to Alan, am I correct?" Mr. Smith didn't respond which caused him to be punched in the stomach. "Answer me!"

"Yes! Yes! Alan and I are very close!" The man frantically shooked his head.

"Do you by any chance heard of someone named Draco Malfoy?" You asked. The man began to think for a moment before nodding.

"Yes, I was the one who set up the kidnapping!" The man exclaimed in fear.

"Where did they take him?" You asked, angrily. The man began to think. "Answer me!"

"They took him to an abandoned house but they're not there!" The man exclaimed. He shakily reached down in his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper and gave it to you. You unfold it to see it's a map.

"Where is this?" You asked, looking at the man.

"That is the cabin. Alan's father owned it. Ryder and Alan used to go there and that was their spot." The man said.

"How far is that?" You asked, completely focused on the map.

"To the cabin? I don't know really...but it takes a couple of hours to get there." The man placed his finger on a spot where the line made a sharp turn upwards. "You turn sharp left and right out in the forest. The way is hard to see and almost too small for a vehicle to drive through...but that's the only way to get there. The cabin is about 4-5 miles further up that path."

You studied the map, trying to memorize it somehow. You felt that this map might be important. You needed to go. Who knows what might be hidden in that cabin? You hoped Draco was there.

"This will do. Now if you say anything about this I will harm you and everyone you know, understood?" The man nodded frantically and scrambled away.

"What do we do now?" Rafael asked, tilting his head to the side. "We know that this Alan guy owns a cabin but do you think they have Draco there?"

"Draco could be in that cabin but the only thing we need to do is to get to that cabin ourselves," you stated as you handed the map to Rafael. "We will drive until we get to that narrow area, then we will walk on foot."

"Alright, we will begin our journey tomorrow morning," Rafael replied. You nodded and left the room.


Draco watched as Israel played with his gun as he took out the bullets and put them back in. He felt the urge to use the bathroom.

"Israel?" Draco asked with uncertainty in his voice. Israel looked at Draco, wondering what the blond wanted.

"Yeah?" He watched Draco, making the blond lower his gaze and break the eye contact.

"I..." Draco swallowed, he didn't want to do this but he had no choice. "I need to use the bathroom." Draco threw a quick glance at him to read his reaction. Israel approached Draco and began to unlock the chains off of Draco's legs.

"Stand up." Draco stood up quickly. "Go in front of me." Draco followed the directions and walked in front of Israel. He felt the gun nudge his head, his eyes widened. "If you try to escape I won't be hesitant to shoot." Israel threatened.

"I'll do whatever you say but don't hurt me, please." Draco pleads quietly. Israel smirked.

"Now walk." Draco walked outside of the cabin and headed towards some bushes. Israel looked away and lowered his gun while Draco unzipped his pants and did his business.

Draco zipped up his pants. He looked at Israel who seemed distracted and Draco took his chance to run.

"That bitch!" Israel cursed at himself and began to chase after the blonde.

Draco ran throughout the forest, he could see the road ahead but that's when he felt his right arm explode in pain, he clutched his arm and continued running but he was losing strength and he fell to his knees.

He raised his left hand to reveal blood, his blood exactly. He got shot. He heard rustling before a rough hand grabbed his injured arm causing the blonde to scream out in pain.

"You thought you could get away from me, now stand up!" Draco followed his orders and stood up. He felt the gun pressed up his forehead. "Do something stupid I will kill you. Now walk forward." Draco began to walk in front of Israel. The two of them walked back towards the cabin. Draco's injured arm was unbearable and Israel noticed his wound. He ripped off his shirt and wrapped it around Draco's arm tightly to stop the bleeding causing the blonde to whimper of the pain.

"Can I eat something?"

"Sure." Israel walked over to the small fridge in the corner and began to prepare food while Draco watched on. After a few minutes, Israel returned with a bowl of soup. "You want it?"

"Yes, please." Draco nodded his head. Israel threw the bowl across the room, he grabbed Draco by the arms, causing him to yelp out in pain as he felt Israel's hands touch his bruise.

"You don't deserve to eat this food I prepared." He mumbled, just before throwing Draco down to the floor. Draco landed in the dirt, his bruises screaming when his body hit the ground. With a mixture of confusion and fear, Draco looked up at Israel. "Throw it up." He said.


"You heard me." He quickly took a firm grip on the back of Draco's neck, forcing him into a crawling position.

"Please," Draco begged. "Don't make me."

"Throw. It. Up." He demanded.

Draco shook his head 'no', looking in the direction of the door that was the only way to and from this place. Why wasn't anyone coming? For how much longer would he be allowed to torture him like this?

Israel's patience was running low and Draco could feel his grip on the back of his neck tightening. But he couldn't do it. Draco couldn't bring himself to reach inside his mouth and cause himself to vomit. Instead, he dug his fingers into the dirt, wishing that he in some magical way wouldn't have to do it.

Draco's thoughts were interrupted as Israel without any warning forced his fingers inside Draco's mouth and down his throat. Draco retched and pulled back, trying to escape the disgusting feeling of his fingers in him though.

"Get it out...." He mumbled, pushing his fingers deeper down Draco's throat. Draco's body reacted instantly and he involuntarily heaved, emptying his stomach, his sore back, and stomach ache. The acid vomit caused his bleeding lip to sting. He spat a few times trying to get rid of the awful taste. Shaking slightly he looked at the vomit on the ground beneath him, a tear trailing down his cheek. He needed that food.

"That's a good boy. That wasn't so hard now was it?" Israel said satisfied, before letting go of his grip on Draco's neck. "That was your punishment." Israel got up and left Draco alone.

Draco looked down at his feet, he was dirty. His clothes were ripped, his hair was a mess and he smelt awful. He felt hopeless, he couldn't do anything.

He already gave up hope of being rescued.


A/N: Poor Draco, he is suffering from this torture. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

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