
422 19 3

You stretched your arms out and opened your eyes. You could see it was a cloudy day out her window. For a few minutes, you stared out the window, enjoying the peaceful moment.

You had just entered your fourth month. Your first month's trimester symptoms were pretty much gone. You had been craving a lot of sweets lately, you would eat sweet foods whenever you can but Draco made sure you were getting the proper nutrition.

"Morning," Draco spoke, you looked at him with a small smile on your face.

"Morning love." You replied, Draco sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"Did you two sleep well?" Draco asked he placed his hand on your small baby bump, gently caressing it.

"Yes, we did," you replied. Draco grinned and kissed your forehead. "I'm hungry and so is your child." Draco shook his head slightly and chuckled. He threw the covers off of him.

"What are you craving for?" Draco asked, slipping on a t-shirt. You thought for a moment before replying.

"I want panda express, chow mein, and orange chicken." You replied. Draco nodded and put on his shoes and was out the door. You got out of bed and took a quick shower. You went downstairs seeing Ryan talking on the phone. You gave him a confused look but he held up his pointer finger out, signaling the one-minute sign.

"Thank you for informing me, Jason." Ryan ended the phone call, you walked towards him.

"What's going on?" You asked, seeing the concerned look on Ryan's face. Ryan sighed and shooked his head.

"Israel is missing," Ryan spoke, he swallowed in a gulp and looked at you. "Jason and Matt found his car in the middle of the road, they also found some blood spatter around his car." You gasped and covered your mouth with your hand. "We believe he's dead."

That did it. You burst into tears and sobbed uncontrollably, your hormones were everywhere and you couldn't control them. "He can't be dead. He was so young...Who killed him?" You questioned, Ryan, sighed.

"We don't know. We believe it was the rivals." Ryan looked down, you began to tremble your breathing was increasing. Ryan quickly noticed it. "Y/N you need to calm down. If you don't calm down, you're going to lose the baby." Ryan said. "Count with me, in four out seven."

You followed his instructions and breathe with him, after a while, you calmed down.

"I'm gonna kill all of them, they have to pay the consequences," you said. Ryan nodded.

"Not right now, you are carrying a child. We must protect you from the harm." Ryan assured. "If something happens to you I will never forgive myself."

"This is why I love you. You were always with me when I was suffering. I'm so glad you are like a brother to me and always for me." You replied, Ryan, smiled.

"I'll always protect you, you're like my older sister even though you're a year older than me but whatever." They both chuckled. "I already told the other gang member to keep a lookout for the rest of the rivals." You nodded.

"I need to inform Draco when he comes back, I can't let him get hurt it will hurt me if he is hurt by the rivals or us." A tear rolled down your cheek, you quickly wiped it away. "Our lives are messed up. I still don't understand why Draco is with me? I'm a criminal and he was a normal person before I changed his life completely." You sighed.

"Draco loves you. He knows that you're a criminal and very dangerous but he fell completely in love with you. He saved your life when that dude tried to kill you, Draco would do anything so you are not injured and now look you are expecting his child." Ryan smiled looking at her stomach. You smiled.

"But with this baby, it's complicated to raise him or her. Draco and I looked at some adoptive parents for the baby and there is this nice couple named Austin and Teresa. They can't have children after Teresa suffered an accident...They seem like a nice couple and we're meeting them later this day." You said. Ryan nodded. They heard the door open, Draco walked in holding a bag of Panda express.

"Here is your food, love." Draco handed the bag to you. You immediately opened it and began eating the food.

"Thank you, Dray." You beamed. Draco smiled and nodded.

"See ya later guys." Ryan left, leaving the couple alone. Draco noticed the tears stain on your face he quickly went to your side.

"Y/N/N, what's wrong?" Draco asked. You sighed.

"Israel might be dead. Jason found his car in the middle of nowhere and he found splatter of blood on his car, Ryan believes it was the rivals." You explained. Draco nodded. "Ryan has informed the other members to keep a lookout. I don't want you to get hurt...it will hurt me if they do anything to you."

"Hey, I will be fine. It's you that I have to protect. I would die if something happens to you or our baby." Draco placed a hand on your cheek and caress it. "I will be always there for you, alright?" You nodded, Draco kissed your forehead and pulled you closer to his chest.

"Promise me you will never leave me?" You asked, you looked at Draco. He smiled.

"I promise," Draco replied. You smiled and got out of Draco's embrace and walked back to your food. "What are you doing?" Draco asked

"I'm eating, can't a pregnant woman eat her food in peace." Draco raised his hands up and laughed slightly.

"I'll leave you so you can finish your food." Draco walked away. You rolled your eyes and stared at your belly.

"Can you believe that's your father?" You laughed, you ran your hand over the bump and smiled.


"Father, when are we gonna attack?" Israel asked, looking at his father. Alan smirked.

"Soon." He replied. "By now Y/N must have found out about your so—called 'death,'' Alan said. Israel nodded.

"They actually believe I'm dead." Israel laughed. "We will kill everyone who killed my brother, I swear."

"I'm so glad to be your father," Alan said. Israel smiled. Alan picked up a photo of a young Ryder and Israel playing in the backyard, a tear rolled down his face and held it close to him. "We will get you justice Ryder. Y/N will pay for everything she has done."


A/N: What will happen to Draco and Y/N? Will Israel and Alan's plan work?

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