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"Good morning sweetpea, time to wake up,"

"I can't,"

"Just a few more days, then you can sleep in as long as you want,"

"I'm too tired,"

"But it's your first art class!"

"That's why I'm tired, I didn't sleep. Get me dad,"

"Dad will fall for your puppy eyes," Mum said, gently moving my hair out my face, "Come on, you're gonna make some new friends,"

"Can you help me choose an outfit?"

"I can. It's super hot today, what about shorts?"

"No. You know I don't wear shorts,"

"Okay... a long skirt?"


"Poppy, it is extremely hot, you cannot wear jeans,"

"Fine. I will wear a skirt and get bullied for my legs,"

"The point of it being a long skirt is that it covers your legs, even though they are nothing to be ashamed of,"

She passed me a green skirt with little white flowers on, and a white top to go with it.

"I look too old!" I called, "People will think I am a teacher!"

"No they won't,"

She came back into my room with some toast and got me to sit on my desk chair, starting to braid my hair. It was extremely long, but I wished it would be shorter.

"You just need to talk to people, and ask about them, or talk about yourself. You only have to say what you're comfortable with saying, and if a topic upsets you then it's okay to say that and ask to move on,"


"Some people might not click with you, you just find someone else. There will be people in that class who want to be your friend,"

"You're freaking me out,"

"Good morning my sweet angel," dad said, hugging me tightly which annoyed mum because she was doing my hair.

"I don't wanna go to school anymore,"

"When is your lesson?"

"Second period,"

"Well, I think you should try and go to that, and then find some people at lunch from your class to sit with. I'll go and make lunch for you,"

"Okay," I said, struggling not to tear up, "I'm worried people will think I am a freak,"

"Nobody will think that, and if they do, then they are the weird ones,"

He kissed my head and dried my cheeks, then left, mum tying up my hair.

"I got you some special pencils to do art with,"

"Thank you,"

"You're welcome, go and brush your teeth and I'll pack,"

I did, then sprayed perfume and left the bedroom, Elijah helping me put my white trainers on.

Bailey held her back pack and mine, then everyone got in the van we had. Mum always did the school run because dad had to go to work earlier than her.

We dropped off the little kids, then mum drove to our school saying goodbye to us.

"I'll walk you to the office," Bailey said, carrying my bag still, "I hardly saw you yesterday,"

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