Act Two: Prologue

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Thousand of years ago, the stars began to align as it radiantly shines to the land that will be known as the Land of Eternity in the distant future.

A star began to descend upon Teyvat, striking a large portion of the land, causing a massive flood that left only a few islands standing.

Few more years gone through, as the land was populated once more. Human activities can be found.

The people who roamed the land discovered something: a massive crater that was gradually swallowed up by the sea. They sensed a powerful presence in the center, which became conscious and illuminated the area.

The unknown detects humans and stares at them as it approaches them. It began to shape shift into a form of a human, a girl perhaps.

Once she reached the ground where the humans stood, the crater formed by the star that day was then devoured by the sea.

That day, the girl lives with the humans who found her and gave her the name "Stella".

Stella was then regarded as a goddess by her people. She also developed a human nature and heart. She does, however, have something that ordinary people do not. Stella's core held a tremendous amount of power.

She employs in order to keep her people safe. Stella forges a spear similar to the weapon used by her people in defense.

Many beasts began to appear to the land as Stella slain each one with her spear that she considered as a threat.

Stella observes her people's success as they continue to explore the land. She isn't the one who guides them, but she is the one who protects them from the dangers they have encountered.

Until one night where she was left standing in the pool of blood of her people. A powerful beast stood before her, in which it killed most of the humans she befriended. Stella then noticed that the beast isn't just one, but a horde of them. They began to surround her in order to kill.

Stella's body lights up brightly as she is blinded by rage, causing the beasts to turn away from her, allowing Stella to kill them one by one with her spear.

She stood victorious from the battle until she felt something on her eyes. Stella was crying, as she looked around the people she decided to protect.

Stella then heard a crying voice and discovered one survivor, a newborn child being held by her mother lifelessly.

She picked the newborn up as she cradled it with her arms. Stella looked at the infant apologetically because she failed them.

With the guilt Stella is experiencing right now, she decided to give her up her life and power to the newborn and take care of it before she left this world.

During her last moments, Stella sealed the newborn until someone notable enough to take care of her. She then tried to smile to the child before closing her eyes and slowly disappeared for eternity.


Hundred of years passed by, the child was later found by the Shogunate whose founded by Baal, one of the twin gods that resides in Inazuma.

She was then raised to be a warrior and named her Hoshizora Yukari.

The people of the Shogunate was amazed by the skills of Hoshizora as she defeated every single opponent flawlessly, not until she was challenged by Beelzebul in a duel in which resulted to her first defeat.

Baal took an interest on Hoshizora as she made her a general like her twin sister, Beelzebul. However, Hoshizora wanted to decline the idea as she want to work alone. However, she can't stand seeing her superiors disappointed faces.

Unbeknownst to herself and the twins, she was more than that.

Despite being alone, Hoshizora was loved by the people. She has a caring and approachable side and often hangs out with anyone in which Baal find troublesome for her.

When Hoshizora was ordered to lead some of the Shogunate army on certain expeditions across the land, she did her best to avoid casualties among the men assigned to her.

As time passed, Baal grew fond of Hoshizora, on whom she made a bothersome remark. She had no choice but to accept it because she was their leader.

Hoshizora has retained Stella's desire to defend the people she has come to know and love, and she continues to demonstrate this every day.

The land of Teyvat was peaceful until the seven divine seats were opened in Celestia, which triggered the Archon War...


~ End of Prologue ~

Together Through Eternity ( Ei(Raiden Shogun) x Female Reader ) [ DISCONTINUED ]Where stories live. Discover now