Chapter - 23

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I went home and mom was still waiting for me in the couch. I entered the hall and she shouted at me, " Get out of my House! You have decided to live with that girl right? So, no more space for you here. Get lost! ". I went close to her and sat down. I started speaking, " Ma, what is this? I lived you so much. I always gave you first priority because even after losing dad, you never left me suffer.

You grew up me without any flaws. You bought me everything I asked for. You cherished me these many years ma. What happened to that Geeta now? Ma try to understand. I love Aya so much and she does the same. How can I marry Sara when Aya is the one in my heart? How can I betray my own feelings? How can I cheat Sara by thinking of Aya everyday? I always wished for a life with peace and love. Not a fake one.

Ma, you love me more than everything. I owe you a lot ma. But please, don't leave me Or Aya. Aya is a good girl and kind hearted too. You would have witnessed yourself that when you had bypass surgery ma. She took care of you well like a daughter. She would do the same for rest of her life if you accept her ma. Trust me. And, now are you worrying about this society and community? Where did it go ma when dad left us?

Where did it go ma when you were suffering financially? Where did it go ma when I needed a family? It will be here and will come only to make our life mess. Only to create ruckus and chaos within the families. These society and community all are selfish ma. Don't let them ruin our family. Don't let those stupid people's thought break our bonds. Don't let those heartless animals poison our hearts and corrupt oru minds. Never allow that ma. I plead you.

Ma, don't think of society or community. All you have to know is whether your child is happy or not? Whether your kid is feeling comfortable or not? That's what a real parent think of rather than the society or community. I hope you will understand me more than myself. And I always promise I won't go to Aya against your will. We will get married only with the blessings of two families.

Marriage is not the bonding of lovers, rather it's bonding of two new families. I love Aya ma. And I want you to support this the same way you supported me in becoming a pilot. I had taken many risks in my life and through out my journey, my mom stood with me. And that is the secret of my success. I said all I wanted to tell you ma. Now the decision is in your hands". I gave a pause. Ma didn't move an inch. I held her hands tightly. She started crying.

Ma what happened? Ma please ro math karo (Don't cry) ! Ma... She said, " Beta I am sorry. I really got taken away by these people around me. I got wrongly influenced beta. I love you always and even your papa wants you to lead a life with love and fun. I will support you at any cost. I am sorry and I realised that I was wrong. I will make you and Aya get married. It's my promise.

Let's speak with astrologer and fix a good date to go meet her family and fix the marriage date in next auspicious day itself. Kush ho beta now (happy now)? Very happy ma, I replied and hugged her in happiness. After our deep conversation, mom left to prepare dinner for us. Meanwhile, I went to my room to call my hoone-wali beevi ( wife to be). I rang her twice and she took my third call. She spoke in half sleep.

I spoke, "Oi beevi, what are you doing now? " She replied, " Hello who is this? " Omg this girl forgot me within one evening or what? " Hey Aya, this is Aryan. Do you need a self intro now? " Omg! She shouted and jumped from her bed in surprise. " What happened Aryan. Is everything ok? I have been waiting for your call the whole day and fell asleep few hours before. Sorry I didn't recognise you since I was sleepy".I replied her, " Completely fine wifey".

She gave a blushing smile and replied, " Oh I see, when did I became your wifey? What happened over night Mr. Aryan? You have became courageous and thrilled? I could sense some kinda boldness in your voice? Did you plan to dump me or elope with me uh what? Haha! Anyways come to the point". I told her, " Aya, get ready for marriage. I will come with my mom to your house tomorrow to speak about this baby". Omg! Am I dreaming now? She said surprisingly. I said, "Not at all".

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