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It is Monday morning. I woke up and enjoyed the morning sun kiss sitting on my bed. I found my clothes got washed and pressed properly and placed at my table. On the mirror, my mom placed a note saying "Get ready darling, it's a new start". I got cheered up by mom's enthusiastic words. I went to kitchen after brushing my teeth. My mom shouted from the Hall serving chai to Papa, " Aya beta, did you brush your teeth? Strictly no bed chai"

I went near my mom and grinned at her. I said, "Ma, look at my beautiful teeth shining brightly like smuggled diamonds and do you agree now I brushed my teeth? " Mom started laughing seeing my notorious behaviour early in the morning. Papa gave a glance at us and continued reading newspaper. Yes! The Perfect duty of all dads of India is to read newspaper with Chai in the morning.

I went to have shower and came out after 45 minutes. I dressed well in a baby pink kurta with black pyjamas and wore a white overcoat. I got ready by 9 am, had two roti with bhindhe sabji. I reached AIIMS, New Delhi by 10 am. Yeah, I work as surgeon at AIIMS and I did my masters from the same place. I am back to work after my one week vacation which I got for my marriage but I used it as move on holiday.

I entered the staff room and group of my colleagues piled up around me like swarm of bees. One of those asked me, "How did you end up cancelling your marriage? We thought you and Varun were in relationship". Oh Shit! I have to hear those tantrums and that idiot Varun's name for few days. I replied, "Yes, we were in a relationship and before marriage I found it was not worth having relationship with Varun. So, I cancelled my wedding since it's not too late.

Varun entered the room and started speaking ill of me. He said, "Shameless girl, stopped the marriage with me and kissed another guy, now walking into the hospital like nothing happened". I gave a glance to him and replied, "Being shameless is better than being heartless like you". Saying those words, I walked away from the staff room. Today is Monday and I have hell lot of work to deal with. So, I decided not waste my time in explaining myself to others.

Megha, my junior came running to me and said, "There is an emergency now in surgery room". I ran to OT where a bypass surgery is taking place. The doctor to attend this patient was not able to come on time due to some personal emergency. I went inside the OT. The Training Doctors and Nurses are ready with all the equipment for the surgery. Firstly, I gave some anaesthesia to the patient.

Then, I connected breathing pipe to his mouth and it is connected to a ventilator. I started to tear up the chest muscle. Then, slowly I opened the rib cage part, to take out the heart. It is temporarily stopped and a heart lung machine is connected to make blood and oxygen flow through the body. Graft is removed from a part and after removing the blockage, graft will act as new route for blood transport.

The surgery is completed after 5 hours and patient gained conscious after two hours post-surgery. The surgery is successful. It is past 8 o'clock. After seeing my patient, I went back home. It is a tiring day. I went to take bath and asked for a fresh chai to my mom. After getting refreshed, I went to my room. I thought of updating my personal diary. I searched for it in my cupboard, under my cot, inside my table drawer.

But I couldn't find it anywhere in my room. I also asked my mom and dad. It is nowhere in the house. I called my best friend, Riya to ask about my personal diary. She picked up the call in the first ring. "Hello, Aya? What's up dude? All ok there? ". I replied, "Hey Riya, it's better now here. I wanted to check with you something yaar." Riya said, "Yeah tell me ". I lost my two volumes of personal diary at my wedding. Did you find any of that stuff? Riya is surprised and asked are you sure you lost them?

I said, "Haan bhaba I checked at all places in my room and entire home. I couldn't still find it. Do one thing. Call up our friends who attended my wedding and ask them whether they found my diary. If so, tell them I will collect from their place tomorrow". Riya told she will check with few and I have to check with Geeta, Anaya and Aryan. She hung up the call. Geeta and Ananya told they didn't find my diary. I called up Aryan. His phone was ringing and I can't get hold of him.

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