‘Hey baby. Missing you already.’

Mike laughed as Chester’s text came across. Of course his dorky boyfriend would do something like that.

‘Yea I miss you too.’

‘I love you’

‘Yea I love you too.’

‘Did you check under the tree?’

‘Yes. I love it.’



‘I wish I could spend every day with you sleeping naked next to a fire with hot chocolate and Christmas cookies.’

‘I do too. It was really fun baby. Are you feeling ok?’

‘Yea I’m ok. I hadn’t had Christmas cookies in a while. Dad doesn’t make them ever since mom left.’

‘I’m sorry Chazzy-Baby.’

‘Nah it’s ok. Thank you for brightening my life again.’

‘You’re being sappy.’

‘I know.’

Mike rolled his eyes. Chester was definitely the best boyfriend he could ever ask for. He was a sweet, sappy, little angel. Mike smiled slightly at the thought of it.

‘I don’t have much to say Chazzy. I mean, we did just see each other.’

‘Should I call you and then we can just listen to each other breathe?’

‘That’s slightly weird.’

‘Lol. Sorry baby. I’ll see you tomorrow then <3’

‘Ok I’ll see you then.’

Mike smiled and rolled over. He was lucky. Out of everyone that Chester could have, he had chosen him. To think that Mike had at one time hated the boy he was dating. He had one time, wished harm on the other boy. Now, he would never do something like that. He could never wish harm on that boy. He couldn’t hate him. He rolled over in his bed and smiled as it smelled very faintly of Chester. His sweet, sugary scent that made Mike feel like he was in heaven. He closed his eyes and couldn’t wait for tomorrow when he’d see Chester again.

In the morning, Chester was waiting to pick him up and as soon as he got in the car, he was attacked by kisses. Mike panted as he pulled away. Chester was insane.

“I’m sorry, I just….I hate being away from you,” Chester whispered. Mike smiled slightly and pressed his lips to Chester’s again.

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