Chapter 28

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Tubbo POV:

"Hey tubbo," my mother begins, "The neighbors are coming over and it sounds like they've got a son about your age!"

"Really!?" I say excitedly.

"Yeah! They'll walk over in about ten minutes, wanna play outside till they get here?"

"Sure" I say putting on my socks and shoes.

Heading outside, I begin playing in the grass, attempting to tie together grass strands.

The grass is so small that it's almost impossible to tie them together, yet I still try to.

After a little bit of playing with the grass, I feel someone looking at me.

Turning to look at the street, I see a group of people, yet the younger boy catches my eye.

We make eye contact, and I can safely say, I think I'm going crazy.

No way

Is it him?

It can't be...

But it is!

As soon as I'm 100% sure it's him, I run over to Tommy, my childhood best friend.

We collide in the street in the biggest hug you'll ever see. The collision knocks the wind out of me, but right now, I couldn't care less.

We get out of the street into my front yard and (I'm assuming) Tommy's foster family wants to know how we already knew each other.

I let Tommy explain for the most part, but when he gets uncomfortable I take over.

Like when he begins to tell them about me leaving, I hear the shift of tone and can immediately tell it's a hard topic to talk about for him.

I take over and explain how I left. It was actually really hard for me to explain too, yet I was able to cover my sad tone to where it sounded normal.

After we finish telling most of the story, my mother comes out to talk to the others about like school and.... I don't know.... other adult stuff? So Tommy and I go into my room to catch up on everything.


After we talk about the boring stuff, like how our families are going and what we do for fun and stuff, I want to talk to him about more important things.

"Tommy," I begin saying in a more serious tone, "What have you eaten today?"

Tommy POV:

After chillin with Tubbo for a bit, he begins asking another question.

"Tommy," I can immediately tell this is going to be a serious question, and with all the tension, I shift uncomfortably. "What have you eaten today."

I almost gasp as that question came out of nowhere.

As surprised as I am, I'm able to mask it with joking.

"Umm, food..duh" I say laughing it off.

But Tubbo won't move on.

"Tommy-" he begins saying, but luckily Wilbur comes in, interrupting him before he can finish.

"Tommy it's getting late, we should go now."

As much as I want to stay with Tubbo, I happily get up with an excuse to hopefully leave this conversation behind us.

I follow Will into the hallway with Tubbo behind me.

As we get into the room where everyone else is, Tubbo asks Phil a question.

"Hey Phil, can I sleep over at your house tonight? Tommy and I still have a lot to talk about."


"That's fine with me, but you'll need to ask your mum." Phil replies to him.


Tubbo looks over at his mum who was already listening to the conversation.

She smiles kindly at him before saying, "of course."

Great. Just great.

"Great! I'll go get some things from my room." Tubbo says going back to his room.

I'm happy..I guess. I'm excited to get to be with Tubbo more, but in the orphanage he always knew I wasn't eating enough. I really don't want to have any serious conversations about anything like that.

This is (hopefully) going to be an amazing night nonetheless.


Hi! 👋

How was/is your day today?

What's your favorite color?

If you haven't eaten recently, can you please eat something for me?

Can you please drink some water for me?

I'm proud of you even if you don't, but please try 🥰

I'm proud of you though.

You're amazing ❤️

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