Chapter 26

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TW: ED, Thoughts of throwing up, Negative thoughts, guilt.

Tommy POV:

"Tommy," Techno says to me, "I just want you to know that things will get better, and we're all here to help you."

I nod my head before heading upstairs to my room.

I go in my room and close the door, but I stay by it and press my ear against the door.

Listening carefully, I hear footsteps coming upstairs and going to the bathroom.

A couple seconds later, I hear the footsteps going back downstairs.

I wait a moment before slowly opening my door, and quietly make my way to the bathroom.

Once I'm in the bathroom, I slowly and quietly close the door behind me. Then I go over to the toilet and kneel down in front of it.

Techno told me not too.

I don't want to betray his trust.

Just keep it down?

But I'm really fat...

I don't want this food in me.

This isn't normal.

Not everyone feels guilty when they eat.


What harm will it do to keep down one meal and not throw it up?


I've thrown up so much, what harm will it do to do it again?


I shouldn't even be in this bathroom! Techno trusted me.


I don't deserve his trust.


I don't deserve this food though.


"I can't do it." I quietly whisper to myself. "I can't betray his trust... I'll try my hardest to keep the food down."

I say that so quietly that there's no way anyone would hear it, and I stand up.

Techno POV:

After I go back downstairs, I hear someone walking in the bathroom upstairs.

Speaking to Phil and Wilbur, I say, "I'll be right back, I'm going to the bathroom."

They nod in understanding before continuing a conversation.

Quietly I head upstairs and over to the bathroom.

I feel my heart drop as I see the bathroom light on with the door closed.

But there's no sounds of throwing up coming from there, so I just stand outside of the bathroom.

A minute or so later, I hear, "I can't do it, I can't betray his trust... I'll try my hardest to keep the food down."

I smile proudly at hearing this, as long as he's trying, I will always be proud of him.

I quickly head back downstairs before he comes out of the bathroom, and I sit back down, feeling a lot happier than before, not able to wipe the grin off my face.


Kinda short, I know

But hey, at least I got a chapter out.

I've got some stuff planned for the next couple chapters, but we'll see what happens lol.

Love you guys! You are seriously amazing and if anyone tells you otherwise.... THEY ARE FILTHY IDIOT LIARS AND ARE STUPID BISHES!!!!! <3

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