Chapter 23

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Tommy POV:

I lie down in bed to try and fall back asleep, but I just can't. Eventually I give up on trying to sleep.

I stand up and stretch for a moment before checking the time.

Only 2am!?

I still have a while before morning.

Well, everyone's asleep here downstairs, maybe I could go explore their rooms?

Without a second thought I run upstairs.

First I go to Phil's room, and in all honesty, it's kinda boring. There's nothing even to look at.

Then I go to Technos room, I've been here before, but I didn't get a chance to look around that much.

I go over to a cabinet in his room and when I open it I'm shocked by what I see.

A sword!!!!

Techno has a sword!?

I wonder if he could teach me something.

After a bit more exploring, I go to Wilbur's room.

It's kinda plain other than all the instruments.

But one thing catches my attention.

Outside of a window, there's a ledge rather than just a drop to the ground.

I quietly open the window and carefully step onto the ledge.

The ledge is about three feet wide, so I go over to the edge of it and slowly sit down.

I've always been suicidal, but I haven't really had those thoughts as much recently. I definitely do not plan on jumping off, I just think it's really peaceful here.

I made sure to leave the window open so I could get back in, and I know I can be really careful, so I'm not really worried.

Phil POV:
I wake up on the couch next to Techno, it looks dark outside so I'll just go back to sleep.

...I can't sleep

Sitting up, I look around. Everything looks fine. I see Wilbur sleeping in an uncomfortable position, Techno sleeping next to me on the couch, and Tommy, who's all bundled in blankets to where I can't even see him.

Feeling assured that everyone's okay, I try to fall back asleep.

Somethings wrong.....

I get up again, I can see Techno and Wil, but I guess I need to know that Tommy's okay. I go over to him and pull back the blankets...

My eyes widen as I realize no ones there.

I stand up quickly, fully awake now. Not wanting to wake up the others I look for Tommy alone.

After quickly looking through the whole downstairs, I practically run upstairs.

He's probably in the bathroom...

First I check in the bathroom, after seeing no ones there, I grow even more worried.

He probably decided to sleep in his room....

Realizing I'm probably overreacting, I head over to Tommy's room. Opening the door, I see no ones there. At this point I'm full on panicking.

Where else can he be!?

Forgetting about being quiet, I rush over to Techno's room. Seeing no one in there, I run over to Will's room.

Looking inside I see no one. I'm about to turn to leave until I see Wilbur's window open. Approaching the window, I cautiously peer over the edge to see Tommy sitting on a ledge.

Relief washes over me as I realize he's okay. I'm not concerned because I know he'll be careful, and Wilbur's done this many times before.

I slowly open the window wide enough for me to get through. Then I proceed to carefully go through the window and stand on the ledge.

I can see Tommy visibly tenses, as I was loud enough for him to know I'm here. Even though he can obviously tell someone's behind him, he doesn't turn around, he doesn't even move.

I slowly approach him and sit beside him on the ledge. He probably thinks he's going to get in trouble, because he's still super tense.

Breaking the silence, I say, "It's very peaceful out here isn't it?"

Hearing my words, he relaxes a bit.

"Yeah, it really is.." Tommy replies.

After a little while of sitting in a comfortable silence, I slowly stand up.

"I'm going back to bed," I begin saying, "Make sure your careful out here, and make sure your back inside by morning."

He nods his head and I make my way back inside.

As quiet as possible, I walked downstairs.

It's kind of worrying that Tommy's awake right now, but I'm not gunna worry about that right now.

I head over to the couch and lie down in a comfortable position before falling into a deep sleep.


Sorry for the long wait!

Drink water (right now)

Eat something (I don't care if ur not hungry)

If your tired, go to sleep (again, right now)

Do ur homework (I know, it sucks)

Vote? Maybe? (Only if u want to)

Love you guys! <3

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