Start from the beginning

Izuku looked at the telephone for one long moment before finally deciding and calling to home. Specifically, Izuku aimed to contact the phone located at his dad's study.

Izuku pressed the handset phone tightly against his ear and the side of his head as he listened to it ring and waited for an answer. And he didn't even realize it but he had subconsciously brought his knees closer to his chest and hugged them at some point.

He wasn't really particularly looking forward to talking to his dad, at least it didn't seem to be so at that moment. But it wasn't like he also didn't want to talk. He just didn't know what he wanted.

His mind was just wandering at the time while he waited, but the moment he heard a click and the sudden stop of the ringing, he immediately snapped back to reality and even perked up as his dad finally picked up.


"Izuku! You called. Izuku-- Izuku, are you alright?"

Before Izuku could even finish one word, he was immediately cut off by his dad's voice that sounded full of worry and concern for him.

Izuku didn't know why, but he just froze at that moment. He couldn't even remember what he was going to say-- if he was even planning to say anything, or what he should even say at that moment. His eyes just began to tear up once again after he heard his father's voice.

He felt so glad to hear his dad after a long day, and he felt so much comfort and relief as he heard his voice. He didn't really know why, but he just really wanted to hear his dad at that moment.

Hisashi could hear his son begin to cry from the other side of the call. He couldn't help but let out a small sigh of relief as he comforted his youngest son with a gentle tone, "Don't worry, Izuku. You don't have to hide it, just let it all out."

It wasn't long after Hisashi told his son that that Izuku begin to sob and shed more tears. He tried to haphazardly wipe off the tears that kept flowing on his face, but no matter how much he tried, his tears just wouldn't stop from flooding.

Izuku wanted to go see his dad, he wanted to go see his family at that moment. He wanted to go hug them, for just one moment, be in their embrace. He just wants to go see them in person.

Hisashi just silently sat at his study on the other side of the call while he listened to his youngest son let out all the feelings he was keeping inside of him. Hisashi felt relief to know that his son wasn't keeping any secrets from him and was glad that Izuku wasn't just keeping all his emotions in.

Hisashi just waited till Izuku felt much better and was ready to speak.

It took a some time, but after a while, Izuku finally managed to calm down and get his tears in control. He still had to deal with sniffles and some hiccups, but otherwise he felt and was mostly fine.

"Feel better?" Hisashi asked his son from the other side of the phone.

Izuku could almost see his dad smiling at him to comfort him as he said that, and it made him smile as well, "Y-yeah. I'm feeling much better, Dad. Thank you."

"That's good." Hisashi said in a relieved tone.

"Is there anything else you need, Izuku? Anything you want?" Hisashi asked his son, "If you want, you can stay home for a while and take a break. I can tell Tenko to stay home with you as well."

Izuku hummed no as he instinctively shook his head slightly, "No. I should be alright. Plus, Tenko would probably get backlogged with work again if he came back home just to spend time with us. I don't really want him to be overworked more."

THE SINS OF THE FATHER (BnHA Dad for One AU) | Second BookWhere stories live. Discover now