You sat up on the bed and scanned the room. There were shelves with weird plants placed. Their roots spread across the shelves and leaves grew out of them.

The elf/fairy thing was wearing a floral dress and it looked cute, like a doll. The walls were brown and the bedsheet was a homey color of green. It's a nice place... wait- 'how am I here?'

The girl frowned. "I don't know either. I was walking around and found you lying on the ground."


"No shit sherlock." they sarcastically answered. "I am Jieun. And I'm a female, like you modern people talk about. Call me Jieunnie or Jieun or whatever. Also, I use 'she/her' not 'it'."

"Okay." you looked at the blanket while Jieun kept stirring the pot. You noticed no steam or smell was coming from the water thing but you could see it boiling like crazy. "Are you a witch?"


"I'm sorry if I offend you but are you a witch?"

"No." she shook her head. "I'd love to talk about myself but then I can't!" she put a huge ladle with holes on the bottom into the soap thing and brought it out with... red candies?


"They're not candies!" Jieun yelled. "They are powerful... things. But they're not candies! I MADE THEM FROM PRECIOUS PLANTS AND HERBS!"

"Are you an alchemist?" you asked.

"She instantly frowned. "What the heck is that?"

"Uhh they made medicines and things but by... ya know like that from herbs and plants."

Her eyes became wide. "Oh... I guess I'm a bit of an alchemist."

She took the candies directly by her hand and you stared at her hand in shock. She understood what you were thinking. "Don't worry, they're not hot. They never get hot."

She popped one in her mouth and offered some to you. "Want one?"

"Yeah sure." you didn't want to be rude to this alchemist lady so you took one and put it in your mouth. Upon tasting, it immediately reminded you of your favorite good. The texture, the taste, and the smell of it came to memory.

"How is it?" she asked.

"It's good!"

Jieun smiled. "Walk with me y/n."

She opened the door and cold air rushed inside, making the fireplace burn out. She stepped outside and breathed in.

You got out of your shock and caught up to her. "Hey! Wait for me."

"Okay." she stopped and you ran out of breath.

"Damn you're a fast walker."


"Yeah. Also, how do you know my name? I never told you my name."

"I know everyone's name. I know the names of the girls who you are friends with, their boyfriends, your mother's. Even the name of the boy you like. He's a great one, to be honest. A good catch."

"Oh." your cheeks turned red, thinking about him.

"Aren't you cute?" she mumbled. She observed the beautiful scenery, taking it all in. "isn't this place beautiful?"

"Yes, it is." Jieun's cottage was situated in the middle of nowhere in the mountains and you understood that. It was situated high in the mountains and it was cloudy and foggy everywhere, but it didn't cover the beauty.

Red Moon | Kim TaehyungWhere stories live. Discover now