"Start defrosting the meat once the vegetables are roasted. Don’t forget the nuts once the oil is hot enough.".....Dis voice sounded familiar.


"Vice Prefect, about the spices… Will one teaspoon do?"

"The Prefect prefers it a little spicy… Add one more teaspoon." There's that voice again. Me and Grim take a peek in the kitchen and found many students....cooking. "Oh?! There’re still a lot of students even though it’s winter break."

"Hm? You are…"

"Ah, Jamil!" I said when I finally remembered his voice and face

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"Ah, Jamil!" I said when I finally remembered his voice and face. "Yo!"

"Oh? You remember me?" He asked, seemingly surprised. I laugh. "Bitch, what kind of question is that? Ofc, I did. Everyone else here only has the same hair colour and face, they don't even have ey—" I got smack once again by author. "Bitch, shut your damn mouth! You're breaking the fourth wall!" Boo hoo~

"I'm, sorry. What I mean is, yeah. Please don't tell me you forgot the only girl in this school?" I nervously laugh as he chuckled. "I didn't, how can I forget the only girl in this school? We talked a little when I got injured during Magift Tournament season. If I remember correctly, you are....Ramshackle Dorm’s Prefect Quiinn, and Grim?"

I clapped my hands, Kaeya style. "Very good, I'm satisfied." I said using Kaeya tone. "Pretty good memory ya got there! And your name is, uh… Um…"

I facepalm myself. "Bruh."

"It’s Jamil, Jamil Viper. I’m Scarabia’s Vice Prefect. I’ve always been very good at remembering names and faces. Plus, you two have always stood out since the first day of school. I don’t think there’s anyone in this school who doesn’t know your names."

"Eh, izzat so? Nyahahaha! We’re pretty famous now, Quiinn!"

"First of all, we're "famous" is because I'm the only girl and secondly, it's because you cause a ruckus at the entrance ceremony."

"You don't have to remind me of that!"

"By the way… Why are you still at school even though it’s winter break?" Jamil asked and I depressedly said, "I don't have a home." With my eyes are pure black like the blot.

Jamil sweatdrop as Grim cover my eyes with his paw. "We don’t have a hometown to go back to. Plus the Headmaster entrusted us with keeping the fireplace lit! I’m so diligent and trustworthy, yanno~! No wonder the Headmaster asked us to help!"

Thank god he put "us" in his sentence.

"Heh~ Is that so… The Headmaster, huh…I may be able to use this…"

Quiinn [Twisted Wonderland X FEM!OC!]Where stories live. Discover now