Morgan Stark

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I might not even make this one.

Name: Mischa Nadia Ivan Romanova / Romanoff

Nickname: Nadia ( everyone) Ivy/Ivan ( Natasha, Yelena, Wanda, Morgan, Pepper)

Sex: Female intersex

Love interest: Morgan Stark

Family: Natasha Romanoff ( mother-deceased) Yelena Belova ( aunt) Melina vostokoff ( Grandmother) alexei shostakov (Grandfather) Wanda Maximoff ( godmother) Sam Wilson ( uncle)

Story Information:

Dreykov was always a sneaky bastard, when Natasha sterilized Dreykov took Natasha eggs and kept them for himself. He knew he couldn't get Natasha back, so he used Natasha's eggs and his sperm cells and put them into women he was hold captive so he can have a mini him and Natasha.

When Natasha, Yelena, Melina, and Alexei went to take the red room down Natasha discovered Mischa. Mischa knew that Natasha was her mother and what taught to hate her but Mischa only pretended to hate Natasha. Natasha of course brought Mischa with her and took on the mother role.

Mischa was amongst the many people who were wiped from existence. When she returned her mother was gone and her family was broken. Mischa met someone special at Tony's funeral and they became friends and later became lovers.

Mischa was 5 when she was snapped away and of course the same age when she met Morgan.

I might make up like a young avengers or something with this book also.

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