Supergirl Pt 5

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Name: Lennon Keelan Luther

Nicknames: Lenny( Lena and Andrea only)

Sex: Female intersex

Love interest: Andrea Rojas

Family: Lionel Luther( Father-Deceased) Elizabeth Walsh ( mother- Deceased *from google* ) Lillian Luther( adoptive mother) Lex Luther ( older half- brother* whom she hates with every fiber in her body*) Lena Luther ( young twin sister whom she loves very much and is protective of)

Best friends: Kara Danvers, Alex Danvers and James Olsen

Occupation: Billionaire, playboy(girl), philanthropist, Co- CEO of L-Corp

She's as smart as Lena

Powers: ( morbius powers)
-Genius-level intellect
-Trained biologist and biochemist
-Superhuman strength,
-Heighten senses,
-Accelerated healing
-night vision,
- Can control bats

Little Background information: Lennon and Lex never got along and at times would fight each other. Lex would often get physical with Lena and Lennon didn't like it so she would be the crap out of Lex. Lex being a sore loser decided to take maters in his own hands and ejected Lennon with an unknown formula. Lex thought it didn't work but little did he know Lennon died but came back to life. Lennon told Lena and showed her, her new found abilities but neither Lennon or Lena could tell anyone.

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