Lost in the Hogwarts

Start from the beginning

Eventually, she reached the Aurors training area, which was completely separate from the rest of the Ministry. It was a large separate area consisting of three different indoor training halls: a duel hall, a gym and a swimming pool, and a large outdoor training area where future Aurors were taught to fly, battle readiness and where they had battle simulations. She headed for a large outdoor area, which was protected from the outside weather by an effective spell. She saw a large crowd standing in the middle of the area, most of whom were wearing the dark gray Auror training robes, which were very familiar to Tonks. About fifteen young people in dark gray robes stood side by side, listening intently and watching the three people stand in front of them, as Tonks got closer, she noticed that these three people were Kingsley, A woman unfamiliar to Tonks with red-headed and glasses, and...Hildson. Tonks ran towards them, but as usual, she wasn't able to run on smooth ground without stumbling and falling with a loud bang. It was quite funny that she usually was able to run and climb thro forests and ruins during missions and battles without tripping, but beyond all that, she could never walk on the smoothest road in normal daily life. When Tonks fell and a small scream escaped from her mouth, she could feel everyone's eyes on her and her professional first impression was ruined.

,,Still in her old element, aren't you, old friend? "Kingsley asked in a calm voice, and he reached out to Tonks, helping her to stand up,"Are you all right? "

,,Yes, "Tonks muttered, her face flushed red.

,,Huh, what is she doing here? "Hildon's grumpy and cold voice asked," Did you come to train with the new ones, Nymphadora? Maybe this time someone will teach you to stand on your feet."

Rage came over her and she wanted to snap at Hildson, but Kingsley stoped her, and Tonks was grateful for that because it would have completely ruined her professionalism and the students' respect for her, "Actually, Auror Hildson, Tonks is here to take over the training." she heard two excited, happy gasps from the students, as Tonks looked around, she saw Harry and Ron smile happily at her.

,,What? Take over? She!" Hildson looked shocked and even angry, his narrow eyes getting even smaller and his lips twitching into a wide, narrow line.

,,Yes, Auror Hildson, there is no one better than a talented young Auror who is trained by the best and who, in addition to her excellent fighting skills, can communicate with young people. She is the best we have."

Most of the students wore suspicious looks on their faces, and Tonks did not blame them. She felt more and more how it was all a bad idea.

I'm a mother now, a housewife, I can't ... how should I win their respect, I'm not like Mad-Eye. They wouldn't respect me. They probably think I'm wierdo.

She was ready to poke around and go home, but Kingsley was still holding her, she glanced at him quickly, he looked determined, confident, his gaze showed that he had faith in her. 

No one in the Ministry ever had faith in her, no one believed from the beginning that she could do it. No one but Mad-Eye.

,,Tonks?" she looked up and saw Kingsley smiling at her," Don't let anyone tell you what you can do and what you can't. Only you can set it. The Order believed in you and saw something in you years ago, Mad-Eye always believed in you, and I believe in you and know that you will become a powerful instructor. Go now and make those students believe in you. "

Tonks nodded and took a deep breath, stepping out of the Kingsley shadow and stepping next to Hildson and the red-headed woman, glancing at Hildson for a moment before looking at the young people in front of her. She gave her face the most professional look and then said roughly," Good morning, cadets. I'm your instructor, Auror Tonks. As you can see, I'm not much older than you, and to be honest, I haven't been an Auror for a very long time. But that doesn't determine my strength and dexterity as an Auror. Once I came here to become an Auror, just like you. But pretty soon I realized that being an Auror wasn't what we were told before the training. We have not been told that 80 percent of your work is paperwork, 15 percent is minor crime solving, and that single five percent is a major event that happens once a month, which turns out to be just a false alarm. Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot to mention that this kind of work program only applies to female Aurors. That doesn't seem fair, does it? Because my job didn't allow me to fight, because no one believed anyone like me could do anything, I found another way. I joined the Order of the Phoenix when I was 21, almost 22. Before I was 23, I was already one of four head Aurors and I had my own group of Aurors, with whom we protected Hogsmeade from the most dangerous Death Eaters ... "

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