Chapter 44 - Selfish For Now

Start from the beginning

He sneered, "Why do you care? My life is none of your business. Did you not just latch onto my father for his money and power?"

The person, who was his stepmother, also known as Victoria Flare, flinched. What he had said was... Not a lie. That was exactly why she had married that bastard Xavier Flare, but her reasons for wanting those were only for her and her alone to know. As for his reason for marrying her, she didn't know, and neither did she care.

No need to slander the dead.

"This, you, will definitely not end well. There's still time, you can go now, stop this wedding, and--"

"And what? Huh? May I remind you again, my choices are my own. It has nothing to do with you. If I'm doing something, it's because I want to do it, so you don't have any fucking thing to say about it." Cavillor cut her off with a low voice.

Stop the wedding? The exact wedding that he had been waiting too long for? Of course not! Not even death can stop him from marrying the woman that he loves!

Victoria was silenced by his fierce glare and stood there staring at him, while he was glaring at her. Finally, she nodded to herself, looking at him with a somewhat unexplainable expression, and headed back to the door.

Before she opened it, she said with her hand on the knob, her back towards him, "You will just get hurt." She tried as a final attempt in changing his mind.

But unsurprisingly, Cavillor didn't pay heed to her words and ignored her. Seeing that her last trial in advice wasn't doing anything, she opened the door and exited, closing it after her.

When she left, Cavillor was alone in the room, standing in the same position, and looking dazed. Suddenly, a strong fit of coughs assaulted him, making him hurriedly take out his handkerchief and cover his mouth.

After the unexpected attack subsided, he calmed himself down by breathing steadily in and out, controlling the Inhale and Exhale of his lungs. When he was composed, he closed his eyes and headed to the trash bin at the corner of the room.

Not bothering to look, he threw the piece of cloth with an unperturbed face, being careful not to let it bump into his clothes.

'Only a little bit more, Cavillor. Only until after the wedding.' He thought to himself as he took one last glance at the mirror and exited.

Without another look behind him, he left the room, not seeming to care about the handkerchief with a wide patch of fresh blood stained on it.


It was time for the bride to enter.

The guests had been eagerly waiting, some feeling excited to see the Regina Luciano after many years. Whilst others, the British Mafia members that had already seen her, weren't that expecting but were still somewhat expectant.

The most that had been impatient was none other than the groom himself.

Finally, the doors of the church -which had been closed for the entrance to the bride- opened. It seemed as if everything was going in slow motion, at least for Cavillor it was.

When the door had fully opened, gasps were heard throughout the cathedral, even the musicians unconsciously stopped playing. Everything was in pin-drop silence, and everyone's eyes were dead set on the bride that had just entered.

Her gown was beautifully perfect for her. It had an illusion neckline and full sleeves, from the top to her knees was lace, and from her knees down were ruffles made from feathers. His dress was also flared, so it looked like she was a perfect flower, ready to be plucked, but didn't give others the heart to.

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