Chapter 59: The Collapse of Demons

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"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!" Soyeon squalled and lunged for Lucy because the red-haired demon had slain her evil spirit lover, Song Yuqi. Reflexively, Lucy side-stepped, missing Soyeon's attack by centimeters, and swung the scythe through her waist- without actually intending to slaughter her as well. "YOU-" The spirit disintegrated and turned into ashes just like her lover did. The breeze that came in from the empty window frame, then, blew away the greyish particles.

Instantly after, the weapon slipped out of Lucy's grasp with a clang and she inhaled a tremulous breath, shaken by the fact that she had just ended her friends. I had no choice. She reminded herself before settling her eyes on Yeji, then to the petrified winged-demons sandwiching her. They were stunned and they didn't know what to do with Lucy since she was their master's daughter, in spite of the betrayal they had just witnessed.

"Go if you don't want to end up like them," Lucy uttered in a dangerously low voice. Without wasting a millisecond, the creatures fled the scene by throwing themselves out of the window frame and soaring into the night sky in fear.

Gradually, Lucy turned around to lock eyes with Yeji and she shuffled toward her with inky tears dribbling from her demonic feline eyes. "I'm so sorry," she sobbed, enfolding Yeji into her arms, "I really sorry. I-I tried my best to get you out of harm's way, but I... failed. I-I'm such a bad sister."

"Lucy..." Yeji clung onto Lucy as if her life depended on it, burying her face in the crook of the older twin's neck. "You're finally back." Meanwhile, Ryujin squinted her eyes at Lucy in skepticism, her body still strapped to the chair. "I missed you."

"I missed you to-" Lucy widened her eyes and shoved Yeji away as soon as she felt hell fire raging up from her rebellious palm and set the empty spot, where the silver head had been, ablaze. Due to the impact of Lucy's push, Yeji collided into Ryujin, tilting the chair and the girl over. Bemused, the silver head lied frozen on the bluehead as she stared at the redhead. Next, Lucy's left hand was splayed outward with sparks spewing out of the fingers. Right before the left hand could catapult another fireball at Yeji, the right hand yanked it back and violently pressed it to the floor. "GO! GO BEFORE I LOSE CONTROL!"

"Lucy-yah," Yeji blubbered, still lying atop Ryujin as the human struggled to remove the ropes binding her. "I can't leave-"

"Ryujin," Lucy uttered through her clenched jaw, her voice firm and the message she implied clear. Just at that moment, realization hit Yeji right to the core, prompting her to avert her eyes to the human girl atop whom she was unconsciously sitting. "You have to get Ryujin out of here."

Yeji briskly got off Ryujin, alternately untying the ropes on her and helping her stand up. Immediately, the bluehead sprang to her feet and tugged the silver one toward the staircase, trudging up until they reached the open door. The moment Ryujin crossed over the threshold, Yeji halted on the uppermost step and she turned around to meet Lucy in the eye.

"I'm fine. Just go," the redhead told her twin, a ghost of a melancholic smile creeping up her face.

All of a sudden, Lucy's neck twitched grisly and her face became distorted as if she was glitching. Subsequently, veins bulged around her horns until they take over her entire face, making her appear as devillish as she could ever be. "I WILL KILL YOU ALL!" She screeched, seething with utmost rage as she glowered at them.

"Leave, Yeji!"


"Please leave!"


Two voices of Lucy overlapped as her two personalities fought for dominance. Yeji stared in horror at her twin, wanting to dash to her side and help her.

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