Chapter 20: Slacked off

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"One more time, Ryujinnie," the possessed girl requested in a childish, whiney voice, inclining her chin to look at the the bluehead's sleepy visage.

"I'm tired, Yeji unnie." The bluehead rolled her eyes to the back of her skull, completely riled up by the persistency of the girl in her arms. "I've been doing this for 2 hours already."

"It's been a long time since someone read bedtime stories for me." Lia's lips formed an intense pout, while displaying her puppy eyes at Ryujin. "Just one more story and I'll sleep. Please?"

"Alright, alright, kiddo," Ryujin tittered—her expression right then was the perfect embodiment of UwU—and she ruffled Lia's dark brownish hair, truly smitten with the overloading cuteness of the spirit residing in her body, believing that she was the silver-haired one.

"Yay!" The spirit clapped Lia's hands with a childish giggle, genuinely grinning from ear to ear, eyes disappearing into an adorable eye smile, and the jubilance of a child was prominently etched unto her facial features, thereby deceiving the bluehead to confirm that it was absolutely the silver head. On the contrary, implanted inside the brunette's body was still the red-haired spirit, whose innocent five-year old demeanor, one that used to be uncontaminated by the influence of bad friends, had resurfaced after over a decade due to the evocation of the tattered, leather bound storybook in Ryujin's hands. "Thank you so much!"

"Stop acting like a kid. You're making me feel like a pedophile," the bluehead cackled, shaking her head and flipping through the yellowish pages. Albeit adoring the cuteness of the dainty girl in her arms, the bluehead also felt her skin gradually crawling with unsettlement, on the account of the unfeigned childlike behavior of the latter; she was almost perceiving that a soul of a five year child was possessing Lia's body. To make matters worse, Lia's babyish face and her exuberant voice wasn't helping her either— even the real Lia, herself, was the epitome of a kid. Then, her train of thoughts led her to a question that she'd always been inquisitive about, yet she never let her curiosity get the better of her and she would often avoid prying into that information, for the reason being that the silver head was sensitive to topics related to her death.

Nevertheless, she couldn't handle her curiosity anymore, so she finally made a decision to query the spirit. "Um... Yeji unnie. Can I ask your one question? Just one question that's related to your death. You don't have to answer it if you don't wanna."

"Ha-ha. That's already a question in case you didn't notice," the redhead sneered sarcastically, her childlike tone was already fading away, along with the innocent features that previously overtook her. "Go on. Ask." She arched a brow, locking her uninterested eyes with the appalled blue-haired girl who seemed to have noticed the precipitous change in demeanor.

"So... when did you die?" Ryujin questioned cautiously, appraising the expression on the latter's face.

"As in the year or my age?" The possessed girl muttered, intrigued by the question and the potential reaction she would receive, if she answered candidly.

"Your age."


"Ah... five as a second digit?" Ryujin's voice formed an O, nodding her head.

"Just five. There's no first or second digit." The straightforward response threw the whisker-dimpled girl off guard, making her release her hands from the dainty body and let out a flabbergasted gasp.

"That part used to be my boobs when I was alive, or would've been my boobs if I were to live longer."

The words from her first encounter with the red-haired spirit had finally made sense to her whilst she gawked at Lia's amused face, with eyes bulging and mouth hanging wide open like a gaping toad. Then, the possessed girl reached over and placed a palm under Ryujin's chin with a chortle before she pushed it up to close the astonished girl's mouth.

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