Chapter 19: Possessed

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Ryujin propped her elbows on the dining table, her hands cupped the sides of her head, her vision lowered to the bowl of rice placed in front of her, apparently disgruntled with the hangover.

"Aigoo... You really had to empty our stock of soju bottles," Jennie grumbled, eyeing the sick girl, a glint of disapproval evident in her orbs. "As if it wasn't bad enough, you also gave me and my girlfriend a hard time at the stables. We thought we lost Ddeong. Next time, inform Lisa in advance before you take him out."

"I'm sorry," Ryujin breathed.

"Tsk." Chaeryeong clicked her tongue, grabbing a pair of chopsticks next to her rice bowl the instant Yuna returned from waking Lia up. "Is the other drunkard awake by now?"

"I don't know. I did knock on her door continuously and tell her the dinner's ready, but she did not respond," Yuna huffed, meeting her butt with the chair.

"Just let her sleep. She drank the most between us," Ryujin's voice came out gruff and hoarse since her mouth was dry; she hadn't even touched the food or the hangover soup yet. Moreover, her mind kept replaying the kiss and she couldn't stop being apprehensive about it. She didn't know how to reject Lia, who she considered as a sweet, caring sister, without breaking her heart.

"Hello everyone! Well, hello! Ah hehehehehe." A cheery voice obtained everyone's attention and the eyes of all the occupants in the dining room were automatically trained on an individual standing in the doorway, twirling her brown locks with her index finger and flashing them a bedazzling eye smile, with a toothy grin plastered across her beautified face. "Mhm... human food- uh- I mean the food smells fantastic!"

"Lia unnie?" Chaeryeong and Yuna exclaimed, their mouths hanging open in disbelief as they gawked at the unusual appearance of the brunette. The possessed girl was wearing heavy makeup and her clothes were too revealing, much to their dismay; even her cleavage was inappropriately exposed.

"Why are you wearing makeup? I mean... are you going somewhere? You don't usually wear makeup unless there's a special occasion. And why are you dressed up like that?" The youngest questioned skeptically, her eyebrows knitted and her nose scrunched up.

"Oh, silly little girl. Do I really have to fit the atmosphere every single time? This is my body. I can do anything I like." A hysterical cackle escaped from the borrowed lips as the spirit sashayed into the room, swaying her hips sensually in the process. "Annyeong, unnie!" She greeted her oblivious cousin, Jennie, enunciating the word unnie with significant bitterness, which didn't go unnoticed by the latter.

"Um. Annyeong." Jennie's reply was uttered a few moments later, feeling extremely weirded out with the peculiar change in character of the brunette.

Ryujin felt her hair erect at her end as soon as the possessed girl marched toward her and audaciously pecked her cheek before taking a seat next to her, thereby receiving a broken harmony of gasps from the three girls. Immediately, the anxious bluehead scooted inches away from the brunette, bringing her chair along with her, wishing that the silver-haired spirit, the only love of her life, wouldn't see the repulsive moment. Since it was nighttime, it was time for the silver head to be out. Not much later, another chair screeched, signifying that the brunette just moved closer to her, in spite of her obvious attempt to get away from her.

"Let's eat!" Yuna finally broke the awkward silence, trying to obliterate the tension that was stimulated by Lia's entrance, and then Chaeryeong cleared her throat, appraising the possessed girl with utmost suspicion before grabbing the utensils.

"Y-yeah," Jennie stammered, imitating Chaeryeong's action from earlier.

Suddenly, Ryujin felt a hand deliberately caressing her thigh up and down until it slipped between her laps, so she swept the rude hand away and glared at the perverted brunette. "Stop it," she growled under her breath, making it discreet, so that the others wouldn't hear her, except the girl who claimed to be Lia.

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