Chapter 57: Missing You

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Ryujin pulled out her phone to check the date while she was on the van with her band, ITZY. The date was 12th February, their band's 2nd anniversary, and it would, presumably, be the worst day of her life. She was supposed to be happy on a day like this, but she just couldn't, for the reason being that she suddenly recalled the tragic events that happened a year ago, followed by a wave of nausea that engulfed her whole being.

At that moment, she was undoubtedly in need of some fresh air to suppress the unsettling feeling, so she rolled the van's window down, letting a gust of cold wind graze her skin immediately. Regardless of the sensation of icy needles and pins stinging her face, she refrained from closing the window back because it was, somehow, comparable to the touches of a certain someone she couldn't bring herself to forget— even after that person had played a role in the tragedy that caused both her members and Ryujin to be traumatized.

The moon was a wraith-silver disc hanging in the lonely sky, illuminating the forest highway with its borrowed glow from the sun, as the tall trees loomed over their van like monstrous figures. She, then, saw an owl which was sitting on the lowest branch of a tree, and they both locked eyes. A few moments later, it hooted and flew away. Apparently, she had seen this owl before. The same occurrence had happened to her a year ago, on the same date and on the same eerie night. That night signified her band's first anniversary, which they decided to go on a vacation to Ryujin's hometown in Andong, rather than holding any fancy celebrations in Seoul.

This year, her bandmates —Lia, Chaeryeong and Yuna— weren't eager to follow her owing to the horrific experience they had in the previous year. Henceforth, several negotiations and persuasions had to be brought into action by the whisker-dimpled girl, so that they would tag along with her.

Furthermore, the night of 12th February marked the time she first met that certain someone, and she still wished to see her again tonight.

I wondered if she's still there, playing the same old piano like she did on the night we met. Was the only thought that lurked around in her dark, clouded mind, reiterating over and over again like a broken tape, as the wheels of the van moved on to a certain destination, with the full moon tailing behind.

Ryujin, then, let out a sarcastic chuckle, shaking her head as rested her head on the headrest. Of course, why would she be there? The house had already burnt down, taking everything away with it, including our memories at that place.

"You okay there?" Warmth seeped through Ryujin's palm the moment Lia's hand enveloped hers, eliminating the prickly sensation of icy needles that the wind had incited in her. She met Lia's eyes and smiled widely, nodding convincingly as she did so. The older girl reciprocated her smile until her eyes formed into crescents and squeezed the younger's hand before letting go. As soon as Lia's hand retracted, coldness began to conquer Ryujin's body once more, yet she didn't shiver nor did she try to fight it. She loved every bit of the coldness since she felt as if a certain someone was embracing her, claiming that she was theirs to begin with and they would never let go of her or leave her side.

Minutes had already passed and Ryujin still hadn't shaken off the icy sensation, deep in her own thoughts, not until Lia's cheery, honey-laced voice and air kisses snapped her out of her trance. "I love you, babe. Mwah! Mwah! Mwah!"

"They're becoming too bold, don't you think so?" Yuna commented with an eye roll from the shotgun seat.

"Mhm," Chaeryeong hummed, hands on the steering wheel, then she added, "I'm relieved they're making progress."

"Same here," Yuna snorted, peeking at Lia's jolly demeanor through the rear view, "I thought they would never confess to each other until they became moldy and useless." Guffawing at her own obscene antics, she sputtered, "Y'know which place the mold will grow? Ba-hahaha."

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