Chapter 34: Dangerously In Love

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Multiple sirens rang throughout the streets, the noises overlapping each other, as two white vans occupied with medical equipments and paramedics pulled in to a middle school's compound. Students and teachers gathered around a car, aghast, as they gaped at an unconcious male student lying flat on the broken windshield of the vehicle, with his blood dripping down and forming puddles on the concrete road. A few shards of glass from the windshield punctured his skin, though not deep enough to kill him. It was said that he jumped off the third floor of the building.

While the parademics carried the wounded guy on a stretcher, a group of students dashed out of the same building; one of them was piggybacking another injured student, who was crashed by a wardrobe that fell on her—the crash had fractured her ribs and spine. Into the bargain, two students amongst that group were also helping a limping girl walk toward the ambulance car since she'd sprained her ankle and her shoulder was dislocated when she fell down the stairs.

Meanwhile, the nurse went out of the infirmary to check the commotion that was happening in school, leaving two girls and a ghost in the said room.

"Is calling the ambulance even necessary?" Ryujin furrowed her eyebrows, an ice pack was placed below her chest, right on her lower ribcage, with the hem of her white T-shirt lifted, whilst she lay on the bed. The cuts on her face had already been disinfected and patched up with band-aids, thus making her look like a handsome gangster. The jetblack leather jacket even complemented the look. "I mean... I'm not even that injured."


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"Nah. It's not for you," Lucy chortled, her shoulders bouncing. Although Ryujin didn't hear her, Yeji did and she gave her twin a questioning look. "Well, I may or may not have broken a few bones of those sh*theads who hurt Ryujin." The ghost shrugged nonchalantly, making Yeji widen her eyes. "Don't give me that look. They deserved it." The younger twin almost opened her mouth to lecture the older one about hurting people, but she decided not to since they had audience.

"Earth to Yeddeong!" Ryujin snapped her fingers to get Yeji's attention.

"Yeah?" Yeji replied, flicking her eyes back to the girl on the bed.

"Are they really gonna take me to the hospital?" Ryujin pouted. "My band has a live performance in an hour. They need me."

"No, Ryujin. The ambulance isn't for you." Then, Yeji added, "I guess."

"You mean there's another person who got hurt?"

"Maybe..." Yeji said while giving Lucy an explain-everything-to-me-later look.

"Yeddeong..." The youngest called, pouting intensely. "Why do you keep looking at that wall? I'm here."

"Oh. Uhm... Sorry, I'm just a bit out of it," the living twin muttered.

"Yeddeong..." Ryujin drawled the nickname in a whiney voice, acting like an attention seeking child. The spirit rolled her eyes at her action and she flickered her gaze between the human beings.

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