Chapter 49: A Melee With The Devil

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"Get away from her!" Yeji punched the side of Lucy's face, momentarily stunning her twin and making her loosen her grip on Ryujin's neck, and then she pulled Ryujin toward her.

"She's mine, you weakling!" Lucy screeched and possessively grabbed Ryujin's wrist. The two twins were now engaged in a tug-of-war, violently trying to win Ryujin to their respective sides.

Why am I every girl's ideal type? Ryujin thought miserably, her arms feeling sore from the persistent pulling of the spirits who were fighting over her. Just then, Lia swung her legs over the center seat and leaped to the back. Oh no. Not her too! Next, Lia wrapped her arms around Ryujin's waist and attempted to free her from the mighty grasps of the twins by tugging her to her side.

Meanwhile, Winter was unpacking her backpack to search for talismans that could thwart off evil spirits and Yuna was unbuckling her seat belt so that she could climb over to the back and help her cousin sister.

"Yah! You guys are gonna rip my poor sister into three parts!" Adrenaline rushing up her system, Yuna sprang over the center seat and yanked a fistful of Yeji's silver hair, mistaking her for Lucy albeit a stark contrast of their hair colors. Due to that, Yeji yelped and released Ryujin's arm, leaving her lover under the hands of Lucy and Lia, the two Ls. "Die, you cruel b*tch who kicked Lia unnie out of her body! Die!" Yuna roared and spanked Yeji's head quite a number of times with her fist at the same time as her other hand wrenched the silver hair.

"Yah! Shin Yuna, you're attacking the wrong person!" Lia rushed to Yeji's aid and separated Yuna from the poor spirit; the action of which unintentionally let Lucy have Ryujin all to herself since she left them behind. "This is Yeji! Are you dumb enough not to make out the hair colors?!"

"Oops. Sorry, Yeji unnie," Yuna sheepishly apologized Yeji. "But I'm color blind..." She, then, sulked with a pout, hanging her head low in melancholy.

"You're mine! Mine!" Lucy pinned Ryujin to the wall on the other side of the van and bared her newly emerged fangs, her feline eyes glowing red as they pierced the bluehead's whole-being with their intimidating stare.

Ryujin curled her left hand into a ball and shut her eyes in a snap because Lucy resembled Yeji too much. Immediately after, she swung her arm and jabbed Lucy's chin as she recited in her head, 'This is not Yeji. I didn't punch Yeji. They just share the same face. I didn't punch the love of my life.' The impact of her punch was so strong that Lucy went hurtling into the three individuals standing on the other side.

"Y'all need a hand?!" Chaeryeong called out from behind the wheels as the van raved through the woods and past the trees. However, no one responded to her question.

"Seize her!" Winter yelled after successfully taking out a multiplicity of talisman papers from her backpack. At this, Yeji locked Lucy in a chokehold, while Yuna and Lia held the evil spirit's arms, capturing her in the confined space of the van's back part. Shortly after, Winter sprang into action and propelled the papers in Lucy's direction, eliciting a raucous howl of agony from the redhead as they had been stuck onto her body. Lucy writhed like a worm being splashed by salt and threshed against the firm holds of the three individuals; on the other hand, Yeji contorted her face and felt her nonexistent heart clench due to the fact that she had to witness her twin's sufferance, regardless of the countless numbers of times she had been tormented by Lucy.

Abruptly, the car came to a stop as Chaeryeong stomped on the brakes and shielded her face with her arms the moment she noticed the windshield beginning to crack. On the spur of the moment, all the car windows blasted, sending shards of glass flying and scattering everywhere inside the vehicle, followed by the disintegrating pieces of talisman papers that weren't powerful enough to dispel the red-haired spirit.

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