Chapter 26: A Tale Of Hwang Siblings Pt. 1

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Five year old Hyunjin couldn't stop staring at his baby sisters in the crib, a wide smile was plastered across his face, and his ears pricked in utmost attention to the imperceptible babbles that the twin babies were uttering at him. In spite of the gibberish, he just nodded in agreement with them as if he understood baby language; when, in fact, he did not. Then, he stretched out his hands into the crib, offering his thumbs to the babies, to which they did not decline. The moment his sisters wrapped their tiny hands around each of his thumbs, warmth washed through his chest; it was a very pleasant feeling to him. He wouldn't trade this moment for anything else in this world.

"Lucy-yah, Yeji-yah, you guys are the biggest blessing of my life," he cooed, gently shaking the tiny hands. "Oppa will always protect you no matter what, arraseo? Thank you for coming into my life because I was lonely before you both came." At this, the girls giggled, making their brother squeal in awe. "Aww... you guys are so cute," he drawled sweetly, his lips pouted, adoration evident in his expression.

"Hyunjin-ah, can you please get away from the crib at least for a minute?" Seulgi teased, appearing behind her son. "You act more like a mom than me. That makes me feel threatened to lose my job."

"Eomma, watch me! You'll get fired soon!" The kid pointed his index finger at his mother and grinned. The baby girls babbled in approval. "See? They agree."

"Boss babies, please don't fire me. I have a family to feed," the woman blubbered, feigning sadness as she pouted at her prankster children. "Speaking of feeding, it's time for breastfeeding."

"Eww," the oldest son exclaimed, showing his disgust, so the mother flicked his forehead.

"Hwang Hyunjin, don't act like you've never been-"

"Blah blah blah," the son cut his mother off, plugged his ears with his fingers, and stuck his tongue out.

"Honey, I'm home!" In Yeop's voice echoed through the room, and shortly after, Seulgi was back hugged by her husband. Then, he hurried to his son and lifted him up from the ground, spinning the boy round and round. "Did you watch over the house while I'm gone?" He asked after he set his son down.

"Yes, sir!" Hyunjin raised his arms in a triumphant salute, akin to that of soldiers, and his father imitated him.

"Good boy," In Yeop praised his oldest son and ruffled his head. Next, he shuffled to the crib with a broad smile. "Daddy's home, my princesses." He booped the noses of his daughters- one had a mole on it while the other did not- as he muttered their names. "Lucy, the one without a mole. Yeji, the one with a cute lil mole. Thanks to the mole, I'm able to differentiate them." He puffed.

"I know right, appa," Hyunjin agreed. Seulgi, on the other hand, kept silent as she dwelled in her own thoughts, feeling uneasy with the name 'Lucy', which was given by her beloved husband. Before the girls were born, the marriage couple made a pact to name one of the twins as they liked. Thus, In Yeop named the oldest daughter Lucy (older than Yeji by three minutes), whilst Seulgi named the youngest one Yeji. When her husband announced the older twin's name officially, the woman was skeptical with it, to say the least. She was totally against it because, to her, 'Lucy' sounded like a shortened form of 'Lucifer', the devil and king of hell. Call her superstitious or whatever you want, but she couldn't help being worried about how the name would foreshadow her eldest daughter's personality. Yet, she wasn't vocal about her concern since she didn't want to upset her husband, and she deemed it unfair when she, herself, had named both Hyunjin and Yeji, while the man only had a chance to name one of his offspring.

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