
Just as Takemichi saw her, Yuzuha stabbed a knife into Taiju's back. While this happened, she remembered the words spoken to her by the man who told her where Taiju was and handed her knife.

"A horrible sister who let her little brother become a killer or a worthless sister who let her big brother tear the family apart? No matter which you pick, your life will change forever. Have fun making your choice, Yuzuha."

"Orihara was right. Since he was, I can protect Hakkai!"

~With Izayoi~
"What the hell is h-"

One of the members of Black Dragon was punched in his face so hard that he body crashed against the outside wall of the church. The moment Izayoi punched him, he quickly turned around as he caught Koko's punch with his right hand and then proceeds to knee him in the gut.

"Despite a dog and dragon's differences, they share something in common. Both of them are creatures with fangs ready to bite. So then, let's see who's fangs are sharper, Black Dragon!!!!!"

"Black Dragon isn't your only enemy, Iza-chan!!!!!"

"Heh. BRING IT, IZAYA!!!!!"

With a smile on his face, Izayoi tossed Koko over his shoulder and slammed him to the ground. Afterwards, he quickly stepped the side to avoid being stabbed by Izaya's knife. However, the moment this happened, Izayoi felt a sharp pain behind him.

"Don't fuck with us, bastard. Your half-assed way of fighting won't beat Black Dragon."

"Way to go, Inupi!"

After Inupi stabbed Izayoi in his back and removed the knife, Koko lunged forward and kicked Izayoi's head. As the boy fell onto the ground, the rest of Black Dragon lunged towards him. While this happened, Izaya smiled as he stood between Inui and Koko.

"Mikey's Equal. Heiwajima Izayoi, to most it would seem like that title says that you are at Mikey's level. However, that doesn't mean jack shit here. You aren't at Mikey's level, you're merely a shadow that's following Mikey. You aren't anywhere near being the beast that Mikey is. Especially with your mind being so occupied on something else. Are you worried about your pals in the church?"

As Izaya said this, he saw the members of Black Dragon surrounding Izayoi as they stomped on his body. While he was being attacked, Izayoi felt blood escaping from his head as he heard the sound of something breaking. However, he couldn't focus on what that item was as he was thinking to himself.

"Takemitchy, Chifuyu, Hakkai, Yuzuha. I'm sorry. If only I was more prepared. If only I had went with my gut and tried to find my own solution instead of following Kisaki or Orhiara's tips out of convenience. I want to protect you all but...no. I was only using that as an excuse to fight. I just wanted to make that bastard Taiju pay."


When Izayoi heard this voice, he felt the weight on his body get lighter. As the boy was getting up, he felt someone put a hand on his shoulder as he saw the Black Dragon members that were attacking him currently on the ground as they were kicked away from him. When he turned to the side, his eyes widen in shock with who he saw.


"I'll go ahead and enter the church. The rest of these goons are up to you. I'm not asking you as Mikey's Equal. I'm asking for my friend, Heiwajima Izayoi, to stand up."


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"When you're done here, come give us a hand. That is, if I don't end up saving the day on my own."

With a smile on his face, Mitsuya ran for the church. Soon Izayoi smiled too as he was grateful to Mitsuya for his words. However, when Izayoi looked to the ground where he was previously laying, his eyes widen in shock with what he saw. On the ground were his headphones, split into two and smashed to pieces. While Izayoi stood still, Inui ran towards him.

"Stay out of Black Dragon's business, Mikey's Eq-"

"Cut the bullshit."

The moment Inui got close, Izayoi grabbed the boy by the back of his head and slammed his knee into the boy's face. Inui screamed in pain as his nose was broken, however, he was suddenly slammed onto the ground as Izayoi stomped on his head repeatedly. After a few seconds, the white snow was painted red as Inui lied upon it while being knocked out. Seeing this, Izayoi turned his gaze towards Koko, the rest of Black Dragon, and Izaya.

"Mikey's Equal....I think you guys misunderstood something. Do you know why Mikey is more feared than me? It's because he can't hold back his anger. However, I managed to stop him while being calm. So tell me....how do you pansy ass fucks plan on stopping me when I'M the one on a rampage?"

The moment Izayoi said this, the members of Black Dragon charged at him. Izayoi didn't move a muscle as he was now completely silent. As soon as one of them tried to punch him, he caught the attack with his left hand and immediately slammed his attacker onto the ground as he then pulls the attacker's arm back and slams his foot on it so hard that his arm broke.

Soon Izayoi ran forward as he punched another member so hard that his teeth escaped his mouth as his nose was broken. Afterwards, he turned around and grabbed another member by his collar as he headbutts his face. One by one, Black Dragon was falling one by one. Izaya, Koko, and Inui (who was slowly getting back up) couldn't believe what they saw. As the members of Black Dragon were on the ground, they either had one of their limbs broken, a broken nose, or missing teeth. As Izayoi looked at Izaya, Koko, and Inui, he had one thing to say.

"I hope your ready. Unlike Mikey, I don't have anyone here to stop my rampage!!!!!!"

"The aura of a wild animal. The eyes that says he'll make you regret the day you ever met him. Hahahahaha! Finally, the real Izayoi is here!"

"Welcome back, Heiwajima Izayoi!!!!!"

"Keep my name out of your mouth, Izaya. Instead of my name, you better call out to god. 'Cause i'm not showing mercy."

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