They look at the culprit and they both raise an eyebrow at the sight of Hoseok. "Can I talk to you guys?"

Malia's face turns stoic, her amused smirk dropping immediately.

"Yeah. We can go out to the back patio. Come on, Lia." Namjoon calls for her as they walk. He waits for her as she catches up.

They get out to the patio. It's chilly back here so they have to be quick.

"I want to apologize. Mostly to you, Malia." Hoseok says. "I knew what Taehyung was planning to do and didn't stop him. I drove him to the diner to record you and I didn't say anything to warn either of you guys. We both had a lot of shit going on and though that's not an excuse, but I was just trying to fit in and stay there. I didn't even go to the party knowing what his plans were. I couldn't lose everything at once. I wanted to at least keep my friends. Even if they were shitty." Hoseok finishes his apology and Namjoon looks at him.

"So I'm sorry. For playing a part in your humiliation."

Malia nods at him and gives him a small smile.

"I can't say that I accept your apology because I don't know that I do. What you took part in wasn't right. It wasn't fair. But it's in the past so whatever. I'm going inside. It's cold." She turns and walks away.

"It feels good. Maybe if you stop sleeping in hell, you'd be okay in normal temperatures."

"Hell feels great. this isn't regular temperature. It's freezing." She snarks back as she opens the screen door to walk in the house.

Namjoon laughs at her before looking at Hoseok. He looks between the two.

"I see you guys have gotten pretty close, huh?"

"Something like that. We're friends."

Hoseok nods. "She always did really like you."

"Yeah... so I've heard." Namjoon looks at him.

"I'm sorry to you, too. All of that put you in a really fucked up position that I know you didn't want to be a part of. I know you wouldn't have agreed to do anything had you known. Taehyung just wanted to get you away from-."

"It's fine." Namjoon cuts him off. "I'm not the type to grudges so I forgive you. I don't really care that much."

He turns without another word and walks back into the house. He doesn't want to talk about anything from high school. Specifically, senior year, he doesn't want to talk about any of it. He doesn't care anymore. He'd much rather prefer everybody forget his senior year. Everything that he did that year just brings back memories he wish that he didn't have.

Maybe then, he could too. 

As he and Hoseok walks into the living room, everybody's parents are hugging each other as they get ready to leave. Malia is being pulled into a hug by Namjoon's mom and right after, Hoseok's mother hugs her.

"It was so good to see you, sweetheart. Stop by again before you leave. You've got a few days left." Mrs. Kim requests.

"Don't worry. She doesn't have much of a choice. I drove her here." Joon says and Malia looks at him with narrowed eyes.

"Oh, you did? I thought she took the bus when I didn't see her car in the driveway." Mr. Ward says and he shakes his head.

"We were going to the same place so we just carpooled. It saves gas and I didn't feel like driving." She covers for herself as she looks at Namjoon.

He doesn't say anything as both of their mothers look between them. Malia's father looks at her and she feels like she's being backed into a corner.

"Seems like a good enough reason to me. If anything happens on the road, he can afford to fix it." Namjoon's mother says. "Isn't that right, Mr. investor?" His mother pinches his cheeks and his face turns red.

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