chapter 39

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I have a bloody visitor in-between my legs 😭😭😂😂😂

Taehyung was holding the older biceps as they walk inside the big entertainment building , the idol didn't fail to notice how much shocks that was written on the staffs face when he walk through the hall way to enter the elevator that leads to the CEO room.

He was smiling at Jungkook flirty comments as the older won't shut up about how he look with all red outfits.

Jungkookie didn't bother knocking the CEO's office but just push it open instead , the man look up with a frown but that change into shocked when he see Jungkook blank face.

He stand up from his seat almost instantly bowing countless times to Jungkook who didn't utter a word as he enter still holding tae's hands.

He sit down on the chair opposite the CEO and ask him to sits down too , tae settle down on the chair beside his boyfriend.

"Welcome Mr Jeon" the old man stutter out and Tae wonder how much power Jungkook holds .he seem to not know his man enough.

"Greetings back to you Mr Choi , I'm here for some confused questions I'd like you to answer honesty because I really don't have all day" Jungkook stated firmly and Tae watch as the man nods timidly.

"Exactly two months ago , a withdrawal was signed by you from the company account and the details was payment for idol Kim V security guards ,which the numbers were twenty .and according to my little knowledge, Kim V hasn't been out of the country for two months yet those staffs salaries was still been removed from the company account and mind you , abroad guards money was separated from that" Jungkook chuckled as he see the man went paled on his seat while Taehyung eyes went wide.

"W-what the heck ! I never use more than five guards to begin with !!" the idol said surprised and Jungkook motion him to stay still.

"M-mr j-jeon" the man starts to say something but a glare from Jungkook was enough to shut him up.

"I know about the fact that , Kim V doesn't use anything more than five guards no matter where he is going to but did I question you about those money ?no because I just smile and found it so amusingly how much you're looking down on me. what makes you think I wont notice such  horrible mistakes? I let it slide because it has to do with him , but then he was coming into the company after months and you couldn't even send a single guard to him ?he was hurt at the airport , I had to leave a very important meeting with international investors because of your own incompetence" the young CEO face was ice cold , even Tae can tell Jungkook is seriously angry but he have to commend the male with the way he manage to keep calm.

Taehyung sure know if he was in Jungkook's place , the chair he was sitting on will surely be long break on the old man head .

The man was already sweating as his hands trembling , staring nervously at Jungkook who was still looking at him boredly.

"Some months ago too , under your nose Kim V almost had accident on set because you are so dumb and nerve to just accept people who offer themselves to work for cheap money and that day two people tried to take his life and you still withdraw money from the company account and call it damages money for Kim V , someone that didn't even leave my sight for once because he was with jimin ?" the old man eyes went wide once again and Tae was damn sure that man will faint either now or later.

And how Tae didn't know about this before, of course he can't know about it because it was none of his business.

"When I bought this company from you , I was only twenty .fuck that it was still early the year I was suppose to clock twenty so I was still partially nineteen years old ,I leave the company in your care since you have been acting CEO for I don't know time and just letting you walk out of the company like would have be a disgrace to you and your family , so I let you handle it. The deal with artists was meant to be 50/50 but do you know only Kim V you signed at 60/40 other artists are 70/30 so bad man, those artists work hard didn't they ?" Jungkook was now smiling , this man really been doing shits behind his back or so he thought.

Because nothing go unnoticed by Jungkook.

"Do you ever wonder why I was a millionaire just at the age of nineteen ? A fool and greedy idiot like you won't know ,I have people around me that can control this company under six months and it will grow higher than this. jimin was an international entertainment main director when he was just eighteen years and when I drag him back from the states with me I could just let him take over this place but I didn't because I want you to have chance but you really disappointed me , really disappoints me too much" Jungkook was surely pained and Tae can tell , he gently place his palm on the older male thighs rubbing it softly .

"And another thing I found out from jimin , Kim V manager once ask for loan but you didn't give him ? When idol's manager employment come with an apartment? Mind telling me what really happened in that case ?" Jungkook suddenly ask and that really fuel up Taehyung anger.

"So you mean the day I met hoseok hyung outside in the midnight , he was suppose to get a house from the company?" the idol ask bewildered but glare at the man when Jungkook nods.

"It was a decision made by me , any of idol managers should be giving a apartment close to the idol house so it won't be so stressful for them but I guess the man has either been eating the houses or selling them" Jungkook shrugged and Tae really felt his trust issues raising up.

What the fuck ?!.

"Since you don't have any answer to everything , call all the artists and every single worker under this company right now .I want every single person in the hall room , Tae call hoseok for me" Jungkook spoke coldly as he stand up but his voice went low when he talk to tae who nods confusedly but still contact hoseok and tell him to come to the company.

The trembling man manage to stand up , and walk timidly out of the room while Jungkook and Taehyung follow.

"Jungkook ?" Tae call making Jungkook's freeze on his feet , why the fuck Tae calling him with his real name.

He turn around to see the idol who had his arms folded on his chest .

"The club wasn't the first place you met me right ?"  the idol ask with a blank face.

"Nope , I have seen you countless times before the club . Even before you know me , you have always been right at my sight .never once out of my sight baby" Jungkook spoke with a smirk and Tae shakes his head before walking passed the CEO intentionally bumping his shoulder against the older.

"You're unbelievable moon" the idol chuckled when Jungkook hug him from the back as they walk out.

Time to cut the grass, snakes has invade the camp .


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Sorry for mistakes.

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