Chapter 10

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I don't even know when we will get into this story fully 🥴☹️..and yeah first time my story have a planned plot 😂😂😂 hopefully it won't get change ..


Taehyung sniffles wiping his endlessly flowing tears , he was currently sitting on his toilet sink.

Where he can let go of all his emotions without been looked as weak or pathetic.

The only place he drops off the strong Kim V facade , when he lets his heart sink back into the past.

Was he being punished for some unseen sin or maybe his existence isn't supposed to be based on rainbows?!.

Tae can't seem to understand the fact that why was his life ain't't colourful like the other kids he watches through those dry streets back in the days?

He wishes he had the same bright memories his mates have throughout their childhood life.

But who was he kidding ? His whole existence had been a very wild nightmare he wished he could wake up from it one day.

If Taehyung had a chance to change a thing , he'd definitely consider changing his way of coming to this world.

His parents.

He wasn't surprised with the fact that they tried to kill him but he can't understand why he still have those feelings.

That maybe one day his parents will realise their mistake and apologize because he really kept hoping for that day.

Taehyung knows he was chasing endless echo with that wish.

Taehyung can't remember when all his misery started as a young boy but the little memories he had through his head are not what he'd like to say nor narrate to any human.

Kim V is this and Kim V is that ..Tae found himself being pathetic for lying.

Pretending to be whom he knows he is not.

Kim V is strong but

Kim Taehyung is still a little child, hungry for his parents love even after years of them making it clear to him he won't find those .

Kim V doesn't have emotions but

Kim Taehyung is a lonely boy who fights through the cruel world to get whatever he wants ..nothing was handed over to him .

Absolutely nothing but his existence .

Taehyung knows nature was never on his side because if it was, why was he in a  coma immediately after being born?.

As his parents believed he was cursed from birth ,Tae couldn't help but to think about it everyday honesty.

Because isn't he cursed for real ? Taehyung's confidence ends where people sees it .

No one knows about the insecure Kim Taehyung crying everyday behind  closed doors yet people judge and curse at him .

Taehyung won't say he is depressed , no he is not but he won't say he is mentally stable also.

The only times he gets to let go of his worries is when he is on stage or his studio.

He might act all strong infront of reporters but Taehyung is always terrified of those stares he received .

He has worries , what if his fame fades the same way like they said it would..if he dies today what'd people say about him?.

Is he living the right way or besides is this the way he wants?.

Yes of course but Taehyung doesn't really understand whether to call it rude or not , because how was he supposed to know when he had lived his entire youth being reminded of how much of a curse he is .

He never had a friend , that is why how he managed to get himself here still remains a very big mystery to him .

Maybe that was his faith ? Fuck that .

He keeps wiping his tears harshly staring at his own figure in the mirror with a sad face .

"Stop crying, will you ? At least we have come this far" he murmured silently .

He hates the fact that he can't bring himself to hate his own so called parents who never showed him what parental love is or even try to understand him .

He had left them once but they came back crawling when things went hard for them .

But as a nervous kid that he is , he believes their lies about how they are sorry because that is what he waited all his life to hear .

But just after he got them shelter and a little money , they tried to get him to marry a girl so his cursed 'secret' as was it was called by his parents will be kept hidden for life .

They changed dramatically back to their usual self after he rejected their proposal but Taehyung was still waiting .

He'll wait till a day they realize they were wrong about how they had treated him .

It's not his fault he was born like this nor was he responsible for the way he was born but then why was he even been punished for nothing .

Tae sighs washing his face with water before walking out to his room.

He changes his clothes seeing his phone notifications go off , since he finally turned the device on today .

The news about him being alive has spread over again and he was damn sure his parents must be disappointed right now and probably been busy finding another way to end him.

Funny how he had to live his whole life unsettled with the fear of not knowing who exactly might be after his life now .

Nevertheless he picked his phone up when he sees a call from his company management.

After talking with the main CEO who asked for his presence at the company tomorrow he proceeded out of his room .

Hosoek was sitting inside his living room resetting his schedule all over again .

The older looks up when Tae sits down besides him hosoek stares at him for few seconds before speaking up .

"Did you cry again?" the older asked softly and Tae silently gives an answer out to his manager who sighs before bringing the idol's body against his own .

"I told you , you don't have to pretend with me like with others. I know it hurts too much so let it out baby" hobi said softly patting the idol's back as the male cries silently in his best friend's hold .

Moments later the cries finally die down, he keep sniffing here and there .

"Thanks hyung" he smiles sadly.

Tae has many secrets and here is one of it which hoseok knows very well about.

He was never happy or strong as he projected .

He just needs someone to be there for him mostly he wants his parents love .

And knowing he won't be able to get that makes him realise how much of a joke his whole existence is.

We taking a peek into tae's life .


Sorry for mistakes

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