Chapter 24

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Tae hummed silently as he came down from the cab which was still like twenty minutes walk to his parents' place.

He was wearing a beanie which covered his ear and stops right above his eyebrows , then a black mask along .

He didn't even knock on the door but just pushed it open and entered the house where he found his mother and father all cuddled up on the couch that he bought with his money .

These idiots really have the nerve after he warned them to leave the house.

The couple snap their heads up when they heard footsteps only to roll their eyes disgustingly when they saw Taehyung.

Tae also chuckled before lifting up the small coffee table at the couch side then smashed it on the couple who screamed out in pain.

Tae only laughs.

"When I made this building all sound proof , I didn't know a day would come where it'd favour me , guess I'm lucky ain't I ?" Tae mutters looking at his parents who were still trying to understand whatever just happened.

But Tae didn't give them a chance to do that because he already started tying them up with a rope while they tried to protest but he had already weakened their strength from his first move.

He clasps his hand together after tying the couple together .

He pushes another coffee table forward then sits on it with his arms folded on his chest .

"I'm surprised by how fast the tables turn" Tae smiles.

"What do you think you are doing?" his father shouted struggling to be out of the rope's tight grip.

Tae only scoffs .

"Let's start from where exactly my memories begin , do you remember how you locked the six year old me in a very dark room and almost starved me to death ? I screamed didn't I?, I cried for help didn't I?, I begged for your mercy didn't I? But was any of my wish granted ? No so we're going to be replaying that scene today but you two are the prey today" Tae said smirking deadly at them and his parents gulped nervously.

Tae only shrugged as he opened the cute bag he was carrying before pulling out a set of knives.

He hummed silently before standing up then walks towards the kitchen leaving his parents alone in the living room.

"Do you think he'd hurt us?" his mother asks her husband timidly but the man scoffs.

"He can't, did you forget we are the only ones he has?" the man said with confidence but stops when Tae enters the room back chuckling at his father's words.

The Kim couple froze when they saw what Tae was carrying.

Bunch of knives and the heat coming out of it definitely shows that the idol had heated it up on fire.

"I won't hurt you guys truly but I'm just gonna repay some of your past favours" Tae said putting the hot tray down on the floor before wearing a glove then picks up one of the hot knives.

"When I was twelve , I remember you pressing a hot knife against my thighs because I came out of the house for the first time" Tae said tilting his head as he didn't hold back stabbing the hot knife right into his father's thigh making him scream out loud while his wife screamed out terrified from the sound that came from the man now blooded thigh.

"No no , don't shout woman" Tae snorted as he picks another one then does the same thing to the woman who he wouldn't dare to call his mother anymore.

The couple cry out loudly , scream and yell in pain but Tae only stares at them bored.

It doesn't faze him a little bit , he felt the rush of adrenaline through his soul , the feeling right now felt so good and awesome.

These people literally made his whole childhood a big nightmare for him and finally giving out what they both dished out to him in the past gave him the feeling he really wanted.


He felt free from all those haunted memories , he took the first step of letting go of his past but pulled out the main root of all his day and night nightmares.

His so-called parents.

Tae just sits down for minutes and watches them cry till they lost their voices and then almost passed out from the amount of blood they lost already.

"Even with all day torments , I still love you guys so much and wish you'd change your thoughts about me but guess I was wrong" Tae murmurs then pours cubes of ice on to the couple to snap them out of the unconsciousness they were slipping to.

But is he done yet ?? Definitely yes.

Just a sec.

Taehyung stands up pulling off his cap and gloves then throws it on the floor before entering the kitchen back only to drag out a gas cylinder.

He places it right in front of his parents and opens the valve.

Matches are in his hands as he walks towards the door then stops only to light up the match stick then throws it into the house and watches how the gas cylinder catches fire, followed by his parents terrified scream.

He watches how they burn alive, their cries and screams of agony.

He closes the door standing outside the building to look around his hard earned money house.

He knows the house will almost turn to dust before anyone will notice that.

He walks gradually out of the street with hands in his pockets as he didn't bother taking his bag away from the house and allows everything to burn down to ashes.

He sighs as he keeps walking away from the burning house.

But then a black car suddenly pulls up in front of him making him pause to look at the car confused.

Then the driver winds down the glass making Tae shocked but still enters the car when the driver signals him to.

"What am I going to with you my big baby?" Jungkook murmured immediately after Tae enters his car and the said idol only rolls his eyes staring outside the mirror.

"Do you know there are CCTV cameras all over the street , what am I supposed to do if my sweet boy gets arrested for murder?" Jungkook mutters and Tae snaps his head towards him surprised.

"I- I" Tae couldn't bring himself to say anything.

"Don't worry sweetheart, that's why you have me and I took care of it already and this will be our little secret"  Jungkook said softly as he touches the idol's face tenderly and once again the younger male leans into his touch.

"Yeah our little secret" Tae murmurs back.

Jungkookie nods and Tae sighs not bothering to question how the CEO knew about his whereabouts and plan. He knows the older watches all his movements even tho he might be busy , Taehyung knows Jungkook's eyes never leave him, not even once.

He sighs pulling his jacket off only to have Jungkook's breath knocked out of him because he was wearing only a  long sleeve shirt.

"W-what are you wearing?" Jungkook chokes out and Tae only rolls his eyes before bending forward a little bit to raise Jungkook's hoodie up.

The older keeps looking at him confused.

The idol then swiftly slips his head inside the older's hoodie , shifting around until his whole upper body was inside the CEO'S clothes and his arm wrapped around the male's torso.

And straddling the shocked older's lap.

"What the heck" Jungkook mutters and looks down at taehyung who now has his nose buried into his neck.

He sighs shaking his head lightly before starting the car and starts driving with Taehyung on his body.


Thanks for reading

Sorry for mistakes

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