Locke: Well, it was worth asking. The offer will remain open for you in case you change your mind, Neo. But I want you to think about something, what would happen to you if Cinder's schemes gets Roman killed? Can you safely say, metaphorically that is, that you will be safe from your former associates without Roman protecting you?

Neo pauses for a good minute as an agent opens the door for her. She hesitantly walks out before the door closes behind her. Locke's colleagues then look at him.

Agent: Sir, are you sure you want an ex-Spider associate working with us? She could always sell us out to them.

Locke: I know, but she's an asset I believe we can use. If she works with us that is.

He then crosses his arms. Locke really does want Neo to join willingly, even though he could've arrested her for her association with Cinder and then just conscript her services. But with her semblance, Neo could be a tremendous asset if she became a willing agent, even if she doesn't allow herself to help the ISB deal with the Spiders out of fear for her life.

Locke: We'll see what her decision is when this is over.


Oobleck: And victory goes to Penny and Ciel of Atlas!

In Amity Colosseum, Penny had just won a match against Russel Thrush and Sky Lark from Team CRDL. The girl named Ciel Soleil stands near Penny as victory was declared by Oobleck over the broadcast. Penny smiles as she and her teammate leaves the arena for the next fighters. Paramedics rush to the CRDL members to help them out of the stage.

Yang and Weiss are getting ready to walk onto the arena floor. Weiss loads Myrtenaster with Dust and Yang readies Ember Cilica before they notice that Elise was looking down the tunnel towards the stage. Claire was standing nearby.

Yang: Hello Queen Elise!

Elise turned around to look at Yang and Weiss.  The two girls approaches her will smiles.

Weiss: What are you doing here?

Yang: Come to wish us luck?

Elise: Indeed, since this match will determine if your team can enter the single matches, I felt like wishing you luck as you said.

Yang smiles and wraps her arm around Weiss enthusiastically.

Yang: We're gonna beat those Atlas students! Don't you worry!

Weiss side glances at Yang.

Elise: I don't think I said I was worried.

Yang ignores her as she marches onto the arena. Weiss looks at Elise and smiles before walking out to follow Yang. Elise waves to her before soon walking away to the stands above.

Elise then hears a beep, causing her to lift her arm and activate a sort of holographic smart watch. She sees a message from the Inquisitor that eliminated Lionheart. It simply reads:

"Target spotted. Moving to intercept"

Elise lowers her arm and continues to the stands, where she sees Weiss and Yang fighting a female cat Faunus with skates and a guy with fedora and a trumpet.

~Down in Vale~

Cinder is thrown out of an alleyway and into a wall at one of the blocks in Vale. Multiple civilians minding their businesses are shocked to see this and start running away. Cinder groans in pain as she rubs her head before looking up to see the ISB Inquisitor that is beating the crap out of her walk out of the alleyway.

That Inquisitor came out of nowhere when Cinder was trying to evade the Vale police department, either she wasn't careful enough or the Mimarans knew where she was the whole time but wanted an Inquisitor to take her down. She's willing to believe the latter.

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