Chapter 45 - News from The Old Home

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Xavier's POV

Monday came around pretty quick after the events that happened during Saturday.

The others and I were entirely focused on trying to come up with a plan on helping Francis's situation but all of the information that we found either opted to imprisoning the wendigo till it starved to death or just plain head decapitation.

Both of which are strictly out of the question of course.

"Hey." I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a voice. And on turning to my left, I saw Diane giving me a somewhat weird look.

"You okay??" She then asked me.

"Y-Yeah. I'm just.. I'm just thinking about some stuff." I said. Giving her a smile as she nodded her head.

"Oh, well.. I think you shouldn't let the teacher find out that you weren't listening to her." She pointed out with amusement in her eyes. And that was when I noticed that the other students in the class were taking out the things that were apparently assigned by the teacher to bring.

"Bella did tell you guys about the things we needed to bring right??" She then asked.

"Yeah. Yeah she told us." I replied before reaching for my bag as she gave me a smile when she was about to turn back to our teacher that was currently talking about arts stuff that I honestly didn't know the purpose of.

"I didn't really thank you yet you know." I quickly told her. "For... For giving us the heads up about this assignment."

"You don't have to thank me. I was just doing my job of being the good classmate." We both chuckled afterward but had to stop since we didn't want out teacher to hear us.

"We should really get back to listening to Mrs. Peterson's discussion." She then whispered. Trying to tell me seriously but I could see the smile that wanted to escape her.

"Nah. I'm sure we can manage to draw a picture without all of the 'Art may be a means of becoming an artist by using the very emotions in your heart and soul to create a vivid picture on a blank piece of paper.' right??" I said while trying to mimic our teacher's slightly, if not, very dramatic way of talking.

"Stop being a dork, human. You ain't funny." Ilios's voice then came to mind.

"Well I don't think that that's what she thinks." I replied while glance towards Diane who was currently biting her bottom lip as if she was trying to keep herself from releasing a laugh.

"Nah.. I'm sure that she's just pitying you. I'm very sure I am." Having enough of his say, I cut off our link and immediately built up a mental wall to keep him from connecting back to me for now.

But after I did, someone suddenly came up to my seat. Only for it to be Mrs. Peterson herself. Giving me a very unpleased look while crossing her arms as the other students went to turn towards our direction when they noticed this.

"Mr. Grey. Is there anything that you want to share with the class??" She ask me. Speaking in her weird and dramatic accent before waiting for my answer.

"No ma'am." I slowly looked away and back to my desk when I answered.

"Alright." Diane quickly looked somewhere else when she turned to look her way with an unconvinced look resting in her face before turning back towards me.

"Honestly. What has the world come to?? You kids have too much freedom in your hands." She said while turning and walking back towards the front of the class.

"Mr. Grey. Ms. Asimi. I know that this is just an Arts subject for you two but do listen for I can still give a failing grade if I want to. And please, for the love of what is holy, plan your dates and quickies on your own free time." My eyes almost bulged out of their sockets on hearing what she said.

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