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"Mommy?? Can you tell us a story??"

The voice of a little child was heard. As a woman with hair of pure white smiled as she made her way towards the vacant seat between the two beds where two young boys lied while also holding a two year old girl in her arms.

"What kind of story do you boys want to hear??" She ask as she patiently waited for their request.

"Woofiee." The younger one, four year old immediately said with excitement. His older brother turned to him first before turning back to their mother with a big smile.

"Is that what you also want baby??" She asked, and the five year old boy immediately nodded his head without a second thought which made the woman chuckle.

"Alright. Now, what story should I tell??" She asked herself before hearing her eldest speaking out.

"Mommy, you already know what story we want." The older boy cutely complained, earning another chuckle from the woman before they heard thunder rolling in the distance. A sure sign thay rain might be coming.

Hearing this, the two boys pulled their blankets up closer. Making the beautiful woman smile at her children.

"The Dark Wolf's story." She started. And on hearing what she had said, the two boys perked up as they gave her their full attention.

"Well for starters, he hasn't always had a very great life before being known as the Dark Wolf. For because of a forgotten teaching and of a selfish and devious wolf, he was shunned by his pack. Abandoned by his own family to a fate of abuse and neglect. And rejected, by his own destined to love."

"But he became stronger. Right mommy?? He fought the scary vampire with witchy power." The oldest suddenly cut in, making the woman chuckle at his son's eagerness.

"Who became stronger??"

Another voice had said, making the boys look towards the door before big smiles appeared on their faces.

"Daddy!!!" They both shouted in glee as the domineering man walked up to the woman with a bright smile on his face.

"Now I know that I'm interrupting the story, but shouldn't you both be asleep already??" He said, faking the sterness  in his tone as he watched the frowns that formed on the cute faces of his two sons.

"But daddy!!! Mommy was telling us the story of the Dark Wolf." The eldest of his three kids complained.

"You've already heard that story a million times." He said. Teasing his son's. "Maybe mommy can tell a different story."

"Daddy!!!" The boys exclaimed, making the parent chuckle out.

"Boys, hush down or you might wake up your little sister." The woman said with a stern tone before looking up pointedly at the domineering man who just gave her an innocent smile.

But just as she was about to continue her story, heavy rain started pouring down. Though that's not what really caught the two adult's attention.

For the smiles on their faces slowly faded when multiple howls were heard from the far distance.

The man slowly walked towards the window, followed by the woman as they looked out of the heavy drops of rain wetting the glass.

"Stay here with the kids. And don't answer the door to anyone other than me." He instructed before walking towards the door.

But as he was, he was stopped by the woman who looked at him worriedly.

"Please be careful." She said.

Realize: Legacies| Book 3Where stories live. Discover now